Sunday, October 13, 2024

From The Niquers Of The New Age Department - Sitting Governor Overtly Mocks The Holy Eucharist

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (Wretched Witchmor?) is catching some well-deserved backlash for her blatant, deliberate mockery of the Holy Eucharist.  You can see the video in this link how she places a Dorito chip on the tongue of a left-wing accomplice, mocking the distribution of Holy Communion.  

Ostensibly she did this to promote Harris' bid for the presidency.  How she thought this will help is beyond me, but I strongly suspect that Kackles approved of this blasphemy.  She later tried to "apologize" for how her action was construed.  Mind you, she didn't apologize for her act of anti-Catholic bigotry and sacrilege itself; it was another thinly-disguised jab at our justified outrage.  She claimed that she "would never do something to denigrate someone's faith".  Nope!  We're not buying it, Gretch the Wretch!  That smirk on your face in the clip belies your lame damage-control attempt!

Now to those of you who are having vapor attacks because of the phrase that I used (deliberately misspelled to evade the censor-bots).  Holy Mother Church and her adherents are the politically-correct targets for left-wing bigotry.  It will escalate if we continue to maintain a polite silence in its face.  We must call it as it is, and not try to cushion the truth.  Do you have the courage and stomach to do that?

Taylor Marshall interviewed someone during one of his podcasts.  I don't know who he is, but he makes some relevant points.  We never see evil people mocking the practices of other faiths.  When have they ever mocked muslims at prayer?  We've all heard of "black masses", so when have we seen "black altar calls"?  Here it is.  Please watch.

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