Owing to other matters that required attention (e.g., the Rob Schenck betrayal, Bishop Tobin's heroism and subsequent cowardice), I haven't given this latest development its due. I trust that other sources have filled in some gaps, but will now add my commentary, as Wuerl and McCarrick were, at one time, my bishops.
Msgr Anthony Figueiredo, a former aide to then Archbishop McCarrick while in New Jersey, published details of correspondence that confirms the revelations by Archbishop Vigano. As you'll read, McCarrick acknowledged the restrictions placed on him in 2008.
I will now digress into an important aside. Readers of my blog in June of 2010, shortly after Sr. Carol Keehan influenced the passage of the Obama Hell Bill, will recall that we picketed her appearance at the commencement exercises of Gonzaga High School in DC. I took video of that picket. I ask you to watch the confrontation between one of my colleagues and ... Cardinal McCarrick!. This event happened in 2010, well after he was informed that he was not permitted to make such public appearances! At that time we had no idea that he was under those sanctions. Only now do we know that not only was his appearance with Keehan its own scandal, but it was also an act of direct disobedience to Pope Benedict XVI!
Now let's get back to the current situation. In the correspondence, we see that McCarrick knew he had to change residences. He mentioned that Wuerl was assisting him in that matter. So Wuerl knew of the restrictions and allowed McCarrick to gallivant wherever he pleased. He joined in the defiance against Pope Benedict XVI.
George Weigel related how Vigano informed him on several occasions, going back to 2013, that he told Pope Francis about McCarrick and his abuse of young men, seminarians and priests. In the wake of the pope's denials of these conversations, Weigel said he didn't believe that Vigano was making it up. This comes several days after which the pope flat-out denied knowing anything about McCarrick - a claim that Vigano calls a lie. Now for other commentary...
Cardinal Cupich Oppose Trump’s Deportation Plan
2 hours ago
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