Michael Voris did a special report on gay infiltration and corruption in a New Jersey diocese that got its start from McCarrick. Voris mentioned in passing that parishioners are disgusted but didn't want to go public for fear of the bishop. While McCarrick et al were a big factor of the problem, this servile cowardice of the congregations is yet another.
Of what are they afraid? They're lay people! They aren't vowed in obedience to the bishop! We laity have rights that clergy don't. Are they afraid that a priest might glare at them from the pulpit, or that he might grouse at them in the hallway? Are they afraid they will lose positions of influence in the parish or of being kicked out of parish functions? If that happens, well so what??
Really! We laity must stiffen our spinal columns and thicken our skins! If we shrink at the thought of arousing the ire of an errant priest or his buddies, how on earth do we think we will deal with real persecution from the world that seems to be increasing as I write this?
Let's not forget that as lay people, we hold a unique power over them, and that is the power of the purse. Money talks a lot to corrupt clergy and we should ensure that they hear ours - or lack thereof, if you get my drift.
Of course we must draw strength and courage from prayer and the Sacraments. These are the source of supernatural faith and courage. But after that we must simply square our shoulders and do the unpleasant work of confronting evil within the Church. Let's not tolerate cowardice in ourselves or each other. It is a vice that will lead to sins of omission. If we don't care enough to confront evil, we will have to answer for that in our particular judgments.
Cardinal Cupich Oppose Trump’s Deportation Plan
47 minutes ago
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