As promised yesterday, I post below the video of Mr. Tschugguel's talk given in Virginia this past Tuesday. I made some preliminary remarks, and my blogging colleagues at Les Femmes, who also attended, issued their commentary.
Both Chriss and I, in our commentaries, mentioned that the establishment of a masonic "new world order" is the aim of progressives and their allies who have infiltrated our church, and even the papacy. We saw this in the reports coming from the USCCB meeting in Baltimore this week. The papal nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, ordered the US bishops to not only get themselves in line with the "magisterium of Pope Francis" but to ensure that we laity, we the Great Unwashed, fall lock-step in line.
The Les Femmes bloggers made mention of a favorite buzz-term of progressive Catholics: "social sin". They are correct in their treatment of it. One of the unspoken tenets of social sin is that personal sins, such as sins of the flesh, do not matter in their world view; neither do their resultant actions, especially the murder of babies. They flat-out contradict Our Lady of Fatima, who told the children that more souls go to hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reasons, but I digress.
A resolution was discussed Tuesday to emphasize the preeminince of pro-life voting in the bishops' voters' guide for the 2020 elections. Cardinal Cupich called for a downplaying of that resolution and was backed by Archbishop Gomez (newly elected USCCB president) and Bishop McElroy. They claimed that the downplaying was more in line with the "magisterium of Pope Francis". They are factually correct about that. Read the account here and watch the video; that such a matter was debated is its own disgrace. The bishops voted and the stronger, more direct language was maintained. However, 1/3 of the bishops, that is, 69 bishops, voted in support of Cupich's proposal. As you can see in the article, they voted to emphasize the "social sin" hooey over actual truth.
By the way - Archbishop Gomez's election to the USCCB presidency is being hailed as a "historical vote" because he is the first Latino to occupy that position. Yippee! But here's an added reason why his election is "historical". He's also the first one elected while under state investigation for alleged sex abuse coverup! Double yippee!
One thing that must be emphasized that as this "magisterium of Pope Francis" makes its ugly presence felt, that we must be prepared to resist it when it does. We must be prepared not to let abominations into our churches, be they idols, clowns, liturgical dancers, heresy from the pulpit. Of course we will pay some hefty costs. Are we prepared?
About A Very High Yield Investment
53 minutes ago
Thank you so very much for this! What an extraordinary young man! Ready to set the world on fire for Our Lord and His Church! Wow, just wow!