Thursday, April 13, 2023

It's Been And Still Is Open Season On Christians

We see from here and here how the FBI set its sites on SSPX chapels in Virginia.  They wanted to plant informants in the congregations to snitch on "radical traditionalist Catholics" who might be hob-nobbing with "white supremist groups".  What?  They think only whites can be supremists?  How racist of them!  But I digress.

When the covid lockdowns were at their most draconian, and our bishops going beyond governmental dictates in completely shutting their doors, it was the SSPX that at least allowed us to attend Mass in their parking lots and receive actual Holy Communion.  The FBI order came out of Richmond, where I attended "parking lot Masses" at least eight times.  If any FBI boogeymen were in attendance, they got our license plate numbers.  I hope those poor dears don't die of boredom as they peer into our admittedly uneventful lives.  All joking aside, the FBI is behaving like the quintessential Communist gestapo; doing Hitler, Mao and Stalin proud.

Michael Matt below goes into some of the recent attacks on Christians, including that deluded woman in Nashville who thought she was a male.  Did she think she proved her point by committing murder against six people?  Yet some Catholics still insist on wearing rose-colored glasses, in denial of the horror unfolding in front of their eyes.  They need to wake up and start exercising their First Amendment rights to pray and speak out boldly against  these evils.  I've used a phrase before, but held back because some had a visceral reaction against the stark truth it stated.  I will use it again, with some deliberate misspelling to elude the bots and algorithms that censor "trigger words".  We Christians, Catholics in particular, are now the "niqq@rs of the new age".  It's open season on us.  We can fight back and prevail, but only if we get serious about prayer, reform of our own lives in true repentance before God, and standing before the world with some steel in our spine and declare "NO MORE!"


  1. Amen. People need to imitate Solzhenitsyn and stand for the truth and never deviate from it no matter what. He listed a litany of promises for all truth tellers who:
    Will not write, sign, nor publish in any way, a single line distorting, so far as he can see, the truth;
    Will not utter such a line in private or in public conversation, nor read it from a crib sheet, nor speak it in the role of educator, canvasser, teacher, actor;
    Will not in painting, sculpture, photograph, technology, or music depict, support, or broadcast a single false thought, a single distortion of the truth as he discerns it;
    Will not cite in writing or in speech a single ‘guiding’ quote for gratification, insurance, for his success at work, unless he fully shares the cited thought and believes that it fits the context precisely…
    Will not raise a hand in vote for a proposal which he does not sincerely support; will not vote openly or in secret ballot for a candidate whom he deems dubious or unworthy;
    Will not be impelled to a meeting where a forced and distorted discussion is expected to take place;
    Will at once walk out from a session, meeting, lecture, play, or film as soon as he hears the speaker utter a lie, ideological drivel, or shameless propaganda;
    Will not subscribe to, nor buy in retail, a newspaper or journal that distorts or hides the underlying facts.”

  2. "set its sights", not "sites".

    1. Forgive me, Menlo, but I cannot see where I used that phrase. Where does this error occur?


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