Wednesday, April 26, 2023

President Of Pontifical Academy For Life Blasphemes By Justifying Murder

Most of us veterans of the pro-life movement, particularly those of us who have gone "toe-to-toe" with deathscorts and other proabortion people will recognize a familiar ring to this phrase: "Personally I would not practice assisted suicide, but I understand that legal mediation can constitute the greatest common good that is concretely possible in the conditions in which we find ourselves."

Yes, it is another version of "personally I oppose abortion, but won't stand in the way of others to do so and won't judge their situations".  Maryland's former US representative Connie Morella used to chirp that pabulum regularly as she voted for every pro-abortion measure that came her way, and even co-sponsored (along with Chuck Schumer) the FACE act.

This nonsense was recently uttered by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia.  Recall several years ago, he commissioned a gay artist to paint a blasphemous mural in his cathedral church in the Diocese of Terni-Narni-Amelia.  All the people in the picture, including Our Lord Himself, are portrayed as gays, in homo-erotic poses.  One of the people portrayed is an unmistakable depiction of Paglia himself, complete with zucchetto.

Early on in his papacy, Francis revamped the Pontifical Academy for Life by ejecting all the solidly pro-life membership of that body and replacing them with those of lesser qualifications.  Some of them have shown themselves to be pro-abortion.  This academy is chaired by Paglia.

Here is the full text, translated into English by Google.  There is quite a bit of error here to unpack.  Right in the first paragraph is a whopper: "There is a mutual learning relationship between believers and non-believers."  When it comes to matters of faith and morals, nothing could be further from the truth.  The Church possesses the fullness of truth through Divine Revelation.  To imply that there is some kind of equality between the revelations from God Himself versus what mere man can dredge up is to blaspheme against Divine Revelation.  Mind you, this is a bishop uttering this garbage.

He then says, "due to the maturation (?) of reflection on rights, the pope has modified the Catechism".  I've no doubt that Paglia alludes to Francis' mangling of the catechism with respect to capital punishment.  I stated years ago that the twisting of that teaching would lead to other matters being similarly mangled, and I am proven correct on that score.

Then he goes on to say, "it cannot be excluded that in our society a legal mediation is feasible which allows assisted suicide in the conditions specified by the Constitutional Court's judgment 242/2019".  Let's stop right there and unpack this.  It is never "feasible" to violate God's Fifth Commandment and commit murder.  No "constitutional court's judgment" trumps the Fifth Commandment nor Church law.  The term "assisted suicide" is just a cutesy little euphemism for murder.  The chair of the Pontifical Academy for Life, an archbishop, just committed gross blasphemy by saying murder is feasible. 

This Pontifical Academy for Life, once a respected body, has been rendered into an abysmal joke and a tool of Satan.  The same can be said for much of the establishment in Vatican City and many of the chanceries throughout the world.

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