Friday, April 28, 2023

Leroy Carhart - God Have Mercy On His Soul

Leroy Carhart, infamous late-term abortionist who was responsible for the murders of thousands of helpless babies - many of them in Montgomery Count Maryland - has died and has had to face Our Lord.  Pray that he had the gift of final repentance, for without that, he is now in hell.  I understand that it is quite unlikely that one living in that kind of sin would even accept such a gift, but miracles can happen.

I and many of my fellow pro-lifers were in front of his Germantown and later Bethesda abortuaries, and others were in front of his Nebraska mills.  While we prayed for him, we beheld the destruction and mayhem that he wreaked.  Often enough, the mothers of the babies were endangered; two of them died at his hands.

Pray for his widow Mary Lou.  She was his accomplice during his murderous career and has blood guilt of her own.  Pray that she'll take warning from her husband's last days and reconsider the course of her remaining years of life.  Pray that Diane Horvath and Morgan Nuzzo, the two gals who recently opened the late-term abortion center Partners in Abortion Care in College Park, consider that they too will die and face God.  Pray that all involved in baby-killing will do the same.

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