This past Sunday I touched upon the mischief coming from way too many German bishops. Well, the slop continues to ooze forth. Bishop Franz-Josef Bode is not only advocating that Holy Communion be given to adulterers, but even for "special blessings" for those committing the mortal sin of sodomy. He's quite unabashed about it and I'd be (pleasantly) surprised if he incurs any disciplinary action for this. And yes, he's attending the sin-nod.
Speaking of questionable bishops, Rorate Caeli has released a list of some who have been appointed to participate in next month's sin-nod. They include Cardinals Dolan, Kasper, Wuerl and Bishop Cupich - in other words, the usual gang of suspects. Here is a more complete list from Voice of the Family.
LifeSiteNews reported yesterday that at least 60 moral theologians and philosophers have signed a petition for the removal of a controversial paragraph from the instrumentum laboris for the sin-nod. They believe the language theren calls into question the Church's teaching regarding the inherent sinfulness of contraception. Among the signers is Dr. Germain Grisez of Mount St Mary's University in Emmitsburg, MD. I would trust his judgment. How is it that any instrumentum laboris would be allowed to emerge from the Vatican with sloppy theology enbedded within it? Could that language have been deliberately inserted into the working document? By whom?
On this feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, let's ask her intercession for her Son's church.
And So It Begins
2 hours ago
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