Remember the incident during last October's sin-nod, when Cardinal Pell rebuked sin-nod leaders? Pounding the table with his hand, he demanded "you must stop manipulating this synod!" He said this after it was announced that the proceeds from the small group discussions would not be shared with the synod at large. After Pell and some others called out the skulduggery for what it was, the leaders and "editorial committee" relented and publicized those reports. In a subsequent interview with LifeSiteNews, Cardinal Pell made mention of a "radical cadre" working for a very progressive outcome to the sin-nod.
It seems that Cardinal Pell's theory regarding the existence of this cabal has very solid basis. A few months prior to the sin-nod, Cardinal Baldiserri, aka "Book-Thief Baldi", told Father Rosica that the Church needs to "update" and "be incarnate into time". He also stated that if the sin-nod reiterated the Church's teachings, the sin-nod would be "meaningless". I've no doubt he was thinking mainly of the Church's teachings on marriage, family, sexuality. He might as well have thrown into the mix the Church's teachings on the Seventh Commandment.
Edward Pentin is a journalist associated with the National Catholic Register. He covered the sin-nod and exposed much of the shenanigans there. He did such a good job that Cardinal Kasper attempted to ruin his career; Kasper wound up with major egg on his face for that. Two weeks ago he interviewed with Raymond Arroyo of EWTN and publicized his book, "The Rigging Of A Vatican Synod". In that book he lays out a good deal of evidence that points to manipulation of the last sin-nod and possible attempts to do the same at the one occurring next month. Now because this book is an e-book, it would seem safe from the clutches of "Book-Thief Baldi" - we hope!
UPDATE - We now provide an update from the Maturation Department. The German bishops published today an apologia for same-sex #mowwidge. Here is the news from LifeSiteNews. With just a few weeks until the next sin-nod, these progressives are putting their "maturation" efforts into overdrive!
Here is the interview.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
Thanks for sharing this! God bless you.