One must wonder who's twisting Father Pavone's arm to cause him to let loose with this drivel. Either Father hasn't taken the time to study it or he's kowtowing to pressure from on high. If it's the former, he is being irresponsibly careless; if the latter, he's acting in both a cowardly and dishonest manner.
I'm delighted that the comments that follow this rebuke this white-wash nonsense. Maggie Sullivan's remarks about the placing of conscience before truth are spot-on. If that heinous precedent is ever ensconced in "pastoral practice", that can - and will - be used to justify and excuse abortion. Father Pavone just shot himself in the foot.
Another troubling phrase is found in the very last sentence. "New road map"? No, Father! Nothing will ever be an "improvement" over the Teachings of Jesus Christ, taught by His Church these two thousand years. One does not need a "new road map" to replace the Commandments and Precepts of the Church. In fact such a "road map" will most likely confirm our culture's path to destruction and eventually to hell.
Father Pavone, for the sake of the babies whom you work diligently to save, please retract this article.
Feb 9, On the Particular Genius of Donald Trump
2 hours ago
One of the fatal flaws of avid pro-lifers is that it often happens that Bishops, here The Bishop of Rome, can 'blow some pro-life rhetoric into their ears and they will follow him anywhere'. Amazing to me that a solidly orthodox priest like Fr. Pavone could be so naive as to ignore the doctrinal pitfalls in Amoris Laetitia as well as the critiques of this document by solidly orthodox bishops, cardinals and lay Catholic scholars of Theology and Philosophy.
ReplyDeleteAgree this was a very underwhelming communication from Fr. Pavone. "Here you go kids, drink the poison!"
ReplyDeleteThis is really MADDENING!!
ReplyDeleteSurprise, surprise . . . Tunnel vision. Orthodoxy and pro-life activities are not equals.
DeleteThank you so much for posting on Fr. Pavone's statement. I read it a day or two ago (linked on and could.not.believe what I was reading! Unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more. And he has plenty of company. Robert Moynihan's Inside the Vatican did a gushing piece. It's hard to imagine how a magisterial document that sounds like Parenthood for Dummies gets this kind of adulation from people who appear to be sane. The pope's advocacy of sex ed should be enough to make every true pro-lifer on the planet livid. Sex ed is the "entry drug" for contraception and abortion.
ReplyDeleteParenthood for Dummies. Yes.
DeleteWe are drowning in sex and its consequences and we get a book full of warmed-over family advice "for dummies" as cover for the e-ticket within that justifies growth and acceptance of sexual sin.
If a document is filled with truth, be it ever so cogent and powerfully true, but yet contains one simple word or phrase of heresy, it is damnable. Especially so if the truth therein is used to obscure the heresy, or perhaps increase its support, by validating the heresy through association with it.
Most people will not drink a cup of liquid that stinks and is labeled as Poison with a Skull & Crossbones. But sweet Kool-Aid? Yum!
"The worst kind of heretic is the one who, while teaching mostly true doctrine, add a word of heresy, like a drop of poison in a cup of water" - Pope Leo XIII
Fr. Pavone has a rather checkered past. I seem to recall he got in a lot of trouble with the Bishop of El Paso because he wouldn't come clean by allowing an official audit of his pro life operation. Also, in the past he has blindly placed his trust in the pro-life promises of the Republican Party. Any non-naive person knows the Republican Party is pro-life in lip service only in order to garner the pro-life vote. In reality, there's not much difference between the the two parties on this issue.
ReplyDeleteEven though I'm thoroughly disgusted with many elected Republicans, two facts remain:
Delete1) The difference in the two parties' platforms could not be more stark. The Republican platform is strongly pro-life, the Democratic platform is radically pro-abortion.
2) Even though all Republicans in office are not pro-life, the most effective pro-life people in office are all Republicans. After the Obamacare debacle in 2009 and the electoral fallout from it in 2010, only one pro-life Democrat remains in the House and none in the Senate. That's ONE person -- in a Congress of 535 people. Other than Dan Lipinski of Illinois, there are NO pro-life Democrats at the national level.
To me, those two glaring facts establish a clear difference between the parties, notwithstanding the poor performance of many Republican individuals.
Oh this is completely understandable. Not long ago, Fr. Pavone ran into some difficulty with his bishop over his work with Priests for Life. While the bishop's concern turned out to be totally bogus, Rome did give Fr. Pavone the green light to continue running PFL regardless of what his own bishop wanted. This is just the quid prop quo for that.
ReplyDeleteIf it truly is a "quid pro quo" then he is being dishonest in his praise of AL.
DeleteIt appears to me the combox was closed. My quite reasonable comment was not published. Comments appear to be stuck at 4, I assume because the opposition was overwhelming.
ReplyDeleteIt is disheartening to me when "Catholc" authors censor opinions of the Faithful. Secular, sure; but Catholcs? A Priest? If wrong, why not engage and explain? What are they afraid of? Truth is a two edged sword. If you're packing Truth, or merely respect it, the combox will remain open.
How much of this is actually Father Pavone, and how much are his words simply the expression of the ingrained and pervasive post-Vatican 2 Church culture coming out in a man of the age?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he even noticed the heresy.
No matter how these questions are answered, Father owns his words just as we all own our own words.
DeleteI wasn't in any way attempting to remove the responsibility Pavone has for what he has said, rather, to the contrary.
DeleteThe general state of the Church as it is, even men who are known for great works as is Father Pavone may be so confused and void of the fullness of Catholic truth that they cannot even see heresy when it strikes them in the face. This say much about Pavone, and about the state of the Church. Eve more, those who DO stand up for what is clearly Church teaching from all ages are commonly disparaged.
CCC 675 is upon us.