I've written a bit about the document that I'll call Amoralis Lamentia in the past and I'll link to those posts now for some context. A few weeks ago there was some buzz on the blogosphere about a protest addressed to the pope regarding the errors in AL. Because the authors/signers were anonymous at the time and the content unknown, I did not think it prudent to jump on the bandwagon. I simply had no idea what it entailed.
Now more is known, and One Peter Five has it, along with a link to the full document. The document calls AL "a grave danger to Catholic faith and morals". No truer words were spoken. Both the document and cover letter are pdf files; they can be saved to your own machines. I suggest you do so. I suggest you read it very carefully, alongside the English translation of Amoralis Lamentia. Pay close attention to the censures. Understand that Pope Francis claims that AL is "sound doctrine". Cardinal Schonborn takes the lunacy even further by stating that previous Catholic teaching must be read in light of Amoris Laetitia. My! Doesn't he have it backwards! It is AL that must conform to the Sacred Tradition of the Church, not vice versa. I suspect the protest was written before Schonborn plopped this stinker, else it might have been listed in the censures.
In my first anthology of posts there is stated a theory that the synods were rigged to pave the way for this thing, and even the ouster of Pope Benedict XVI was done with this in mind. The protest states that Amoralis Lamentia will pose a danger to Catholic morals. This week, during World Youth Day, the young people attending that thing will have foisted upon them a most immoral sex education program, promulgated by Pontifical Council for the Family. The president of that council is Msgr Paglia. At the World Family Meeting in Philadelphia last year, he stated that gays would have the same status as others - to implement the Instrumentum Laboris on the Synod, a precursor to Amoralis Lamentia.
LifeSiteNews has more detail on this program. While the program is held out as Church teaching, it does not touch on what constitutes sins against chastity. The importance of parents is entirely neglected. The language and videos used therein can be considered pornographic. And of course it is being promulgated to implement Amoralis Lamentia. As LSN points out, the very existence of this program runs counter to many papal teachings of the past. But then again, we see how Schonborn sought to undermine Church tradtition by making it subordinate to Amoralis Lamentia.
I'd urge parents of young people who are attending this World Youth Day to be vigilant. Ask questions. Don't be passive in the face of this intrusion into your sphere of authority. Be informed and be parents. I'd make the same recommendation of those who are chaperoning groups attending this thing. Be prepared to offer authentic Church teaching on this and other matters.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
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