Friday, January 17, 2020

Planned Sacrilege In Williamsburg Church - CANCELLED, DEO GRATIAS

The previous post on this blog was a call to action to prevent a scheduled sacrilege at a Catholic church in Williamsburg.  As you know, Bishop Barry Knestout offered the local espiscopalean church use of St Bede's to profane the Sacrament of Holy Orders by "ordaining" a "woman bishop".  In a live broadcast this evening, Michael Hichborn did an excellent job in detailing all the theological and moral errors behind what Bishop Knestout did in giving permission for this monstrosity to occur.  Please note that there were problems with the audio in the first part.  Skip ahead a few minutes to the -59:38 mark for the audio.

Thankfully, the sacrilege was averted.

Upon learning of the sacrilege scheduled for their parish, faithful Catholics within that parish mobilized to take action.  They made the situation known on social media.  One of them started a Facebook group for the express purpose of combatting it.  The Lepanto Institute offered to help organize a Rosary rally to occur at the same time the event was to occur.  Many people from across the nation contacted both the parish and the Richmond diocese.  Local secular news outlets picked up the story.  

Soon word got back to the episcopal diocese of the concerns of faithful Catholics.  It was the episcopal church that took it upon themselves to relocate their event to another venue.  It seems that they had more sense of decency than did Bishop Knestout.  The latter released a statement expressing "sadness" at the move.  I link to it now.  This is not the first time that Bishop Knestout has displayed a regrettable penchant for apologizing to non-Catholics for the virtuous acts of real, faithful Catholics.  Eight years ago, at my parish, when Father Guarnizo refused Holy Communion to the flagrant lesbian (go to the archives for March 2012), Bishop Knestout apologized - to the lesbian.  Here is that letter.  Please open both these pieces of drivvel side by side.

They are both rife with error and yes, sin.  In both cases, he is voicing anger (yes, it's anger) that Catholics behaved like faithful Catholics in ways that showed either his own dissidence against the Faith or that of his superiors.  He evokes false definitions of ecumenism, compassion, etc.  He evinces an abysmal lack of appreciation for both the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Holy Orders.  I could go on and on, but I think you get the drift.

A big happy "take-away" from this Williamsburg event is the lesson of what can happen when faithful Catholics stand up to evil - even from our hierarchy - and not let them get away with it.  Certainly our prayers, Masses, Rosaries played a critical role.  So did our voices.  So did our being thorns in the sides of the Richmond chancery and the St Bede's parish offices.  

I understand that the same band of Catholics will now be offering Rosaries of thanksgiving in lieu of the now-cancelled Rosary Rally.  We can add our Rosaries of thanksgiving whereever we happen to be now.

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