Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Rotten Easter Eggs From Pope Francis

Seven years ago, Pope Francis said that "the Way of the Cross is the story of God's failure".  I'm not sure what point he was trying to make and it really doesn't matter.  One doesn't communicate anything worthwhile by blaspheming God.  I believe that on September 14th we celebrate the Triumph of the Cross, not the failure of the Cross.

But if he is still searching for a way to caricaturize Good Friday as some sort of colossal debacle, someone should remind him that it's already done, and that he led it.  Here is that "way of the Cross", on the Vatican's website, that is a pathetic parody of Christ's salvific act.

Word counts tell a lot about the thinking (or lack thereof) of the author of the piece.  The word "sin" appears once.  "Repent" and "salvation" aren't found once.  The word "cross" is found in the title, but that's all.  This whole thing is nothing but "social justice warrior" pig-slop.

He also announced that he will attend an "interfaith meeting" in Kazakhstan this coming September.  It's called the 7th World Religions Conference.  No, Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic Faith is not just one of many.  It is the one handed down by Christ Himself through the One True Church.  Taylor Marshall has some analysis in the video below.

Most know of the pope's penchant for quashing orders dedicated to the Traditional Catholic Faith.  A house of Discalced Carmelite nuns in Fairfield, PA saw their chaplains ordered to cease ministering to them.  Essentially, that means they are deprived of the Sacraments.  Moreover, they must conform to Cor Orans that will only serve to dilute, if not destroy, their charism.

Something is rotten at the Vatican.  It must be the rotten eggs smelling of sulfur.  The denizens of the Vatican had best be careful, lest they smell sulfur for eternity.

1 comment:

  1. I think what's rotten at the Vatican is freemasonry. Gagnon did an investigation of the extent of freemasonry for Pope Paul VI. The results have never been released. I'm reading "Murder in the 33rd Degree" at present which calls for release of the report. Will we ever see it? Not under this pope who may very well be a mason. But the truth will out as Shakespeare wrote and evil can only hide as long as people refuse to step into the light. Thanks for being a light to expose the lies and reveal the truth.


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