Friday, April 22, 2022

Pagan Art On Pope's Chasuble

When I first saw the picture to the right of the pope's odd-looking chasuble, I was dreading the real possibility of it being a picture of some pagan idol.  It wouldn't be the first time he's pulled such a stunt. 

Anyway, here's what that thing really is.  That article speculates that this object (and others) were constructed for pragmatic use as opposed to idolatrous ones.  Still, they date back several hundred years before Our Lord was born.  It has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity.  It's worth noting that this object was found in the Peru/Chile area of South American.

Hmm...  What else was found in that area of the world?  Oh, yes!  The pachamama idol!  Now that demonic object most certainly is a construct of pagan idolatry!  See here.  Don't forget that the pope went so far as to have a pachamama plant placed on the altar of St. Peter's Basilica.

This is by no means the first time that he used paganized caricatures of vestments of his office.  Recall that in 2014 he carried a crosier that was modeled on a wiccan "magic wand".

So now I pose this question: was that pagan picture on the pope's chasuble a sly salute to the pachamama idol?


  1. Well it's not Catholic, nor even Christian, which fits him as well. The man has left no doubts about what he is not as well as what he likely is. He is not Catholic. He is not Christian. He has made himself plain to anybody paying attention, all during his time on the Chair of Peter. It is not a mystery at all. He values and venerates indigenous, pagan entities, like this one. This is not what popes do. This is what antipopes do. As a bonus, he enjoys upsetting actual Catholics, whom he despises. He has made himself very clear. We should take him at his word.

  2. Evangeline, you are correct: "We should take him at his word." I hope more of us will listen to you.

  3. Bergoglio is certainly mocking God full oit as his father is Satan. He is bringing the wrath of God down very soon

  4. Why is Bergoglio not yet deceased?


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