Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sister Agnes Sasagawa, Requiescat In Pace

Sister Agnes Sasagawa, the seer of Our Lady of Akita, passed away on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary.  She was 93 years old.  Her religious order was the Handmaids of the Holy Eucharist.  She had been ill for some time

She received her locutions on July 6, August 3, and October 13 in 1976.  That last date was the 59th anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the miracle of the sun.

The messages of Our Lady of Akita and Our Lady of Fatima are quite similar, warning of world-wide chastisements and urging daily Rosaries and sacrifices to reduce the severity of the chastisements that will fall on all, good and bad.  Our Lady of Akita went into more detail about the inner turmoil that the Church would undergo, regarding corrupt clergy and the resultant strife between different camps of the clergy.  We see that happening in spades today: faithful clerics being canceled by wicked bishops, prelates giving aid and comfort to flagrant perverts, etc.  In 1984, the local prelate, Bishop Ito, declared her locutions to be of supernatural origin and encouraged devotion to Our Lady of Akita.

Sister Agnes, we will pray for you, that any purgatory will be brief.  Please pray for those of us still in the realm of the Church Militant.

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