Thursday, August 8, 2024

MD's Right To Reproductive Freedom - Trojan Horse For Forced Abortions

As most Marylanders know, we have on our state ballot this November a measure that, if passed, will make abortion and other aberrations a right enshrined in our state constitution. has been organized and is doing much work to combat this mess.  I urge you to visit it for hints for your own activism and to obtain helpful literature to educate your neighbors, fellow church attendees, etc.

Among other things on the site is the complete text of the amendment.  Please refer to it as you read the rest of this post.  What I will now reproduce here is the official language to Question 1 of the ballot section.

Question 1  – Constitutional Amendment Declaration of Rights – Right to Reproductive Freedom

“The proposed amendment confirms an individual’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decisions to prevent, continue, or end the individual’s pregnancy, and provides the State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”

It states that the individual has the "right" to make decisions, and that the state cannot interfere unless there is a "compelling" reason to do so.  To the pro-choice person, that seems plain enough, right?  Read carefully.  One of those rights is the right to continue the pregnancy, and that the state, if they deemed themselves to have a "compelling interest", could "deny, burden or abridge the right".  In other words, the state could potentially deny the continuance of the pregnancy, denying the woman's right to do so.  In plain English, this amendment would give the State of Maryland the legal ability to force abortions.

So much for "her body her choice".  The pro-aborts don't believe that rhetoric.  They never did.  I recall one Saturday morning when I was sidewalk counseling in front of a Planned Parenthood mill in Silver Spring.  A young girl, in tears, was being dragged into the mill by her parents.  I called out to her saying that we had help, but the parents were dead-set on murdering their grandchild.  One of the deathscorts said to me that she was "getting good reproductive health care".  I tore into that woman, rebuking her for her obvious hypocrisy and lack of concern for that girl's rights, rightly stating that she was only interested in procuring death for babies.  She didn't answer.  She had no decent answer and she knew it.  

Given the language of the amendment itself, it could also pave the way for forced "transitioning" for those who consider themselves "transgender".  This is happening in various areas of the country.  We are regularly hearing of struggles between divorced parents, with one wanting to transition the child while the other parent struggles valiantly against the forced permanent sterilization of the child.

If this measure passes, we may well see more of that in Maryland, as the gestapo-state will now be empowered to seize women and whisk them away to mills, or to take children from their parents and subject them to brutal "transitioning".  This has been going on in Red China for decades now.  As we become more and more estranged from God, who is to say it cannot happen here?  It already is, or at least the groundwork for such scenarios is being laid.  We must stop it.

We must start in our own back yards.  Pray your Rosaries every day, including favorable election outcomes with your Rosary intentions.  Join with in the fight against this proposed amendment.  Vote No on Question 1 this November.

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