From the local representative of the Vitae Foundation..
As many of you know, I have been busy, along with many others, since the arrival of the late-term abortionist, Leroy Carhart, in Germantown, MD. We have had a prayerful presence at the abortion clinic to protect babies' lives and their mothers'. Miraculously, one mother left Carhart's clinic, just minutes before killing her child, and came out to us on the sidewalk. She had a change of heart and went for counseling at the local pregnancy center. It was miraculous because it is very difficult to reach the abortion-minded woman at this point in her decision!
--I would like to introduce you to an organization called Vitae Foundation, which I am blessed to be a part of, which has found a way to successfully reach abortion-minded women (like the woman mentioned above) through advertisement. The Vitae Foundation ( places ads in the buses in Washington, DC which direct abortion-minded women to seek help at the local pregnancy centers --Vitae's ads are essential for the pregnancy centers to have contact with these women!
--The ads say, "Free Abortion Alternatives," with the numbers of the local pregnancy centers listed
--Vitae's ads are seen by the women BEFORE they make a call or visit the local abortion clinic!
--Vitae ran a Spring 2009 Washington, DC Bus Campaign --The ad directly generated 2,300 phone calls and saved 150 lives! The babies saved were counted when mothers followed through with repeated counseling at the pregnancy center. Additional, countless lives were most likely saved through phone counseling.
--Vitae's Fall 2010 DC Bus Campaign generated over 1000 calls and has saved over 100 lives! The calls are still coming in!
Vitae is launching another Spring 2011 DC Bus Campaign. 5,500 posters will be placed in 200 DC Metro buses to serve the city and parts of Montgomery County. (26 posters line the inside of each bus.)
--I am asking you to please consider sponsoring a bus to save a baby's life and save a mother from the horrors of abortion! The cost to sponsor a bus is only $150. (All proceeds go directly to the cost of the ads.)
--I have one month to find sponsors for 200 buses in order to launch this campaign! Please consider asking your friends and family to assist in this critical life-saving effort!
--Janet Durig, the director of Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center, said, "Without Vitae Foundation, pregnancy centers like ours would not be able to afford this advertisement." She and the other pregnancy center directors have many beautiful testimonies of lives saved from the Vitae ad, which I am happy to share with you!
--If you would like more information to sponsor a bus, please contact me at . A direct donation can also be made through Vitae's website at
--If you would like to sponsor a bus with a check payment, please make payable to: Vitae Foundation. Checks can be sent directly to the Vitae Foundation at the address listed on their website. Please note "DC Bus Campaign" on the checks.
Cardinal Cupich Oppose Trump’s Deportation Plan
2 hours ago
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