Some time ago Lepanto Institute exposed the fact that the Catholic Relief Services is acting in concert with organizations spreading the culture of death, itself participating in the distribution of contraceptives and abortifacients. When Lepanto's report was released, the CRS predictably went into "damage control" mode. Hichborn called them out on it.
The CRS is under the direct control of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The USCCB is having its semi-annual meeting in Baltimore, starting today. Michael Hichborn, president of Lepanto, penned an open letter to the US bishops regarding CRS's misbehaviors. Also today Archbishop Paul Coakley, USCCB Chair, asked the prelates in attendance to pay no attention to Lepanto's hours of research and the evidence pointing towards CRS's complicity with evil. His request is itself a betrayal of fear and resentment at having the dissidence of CRS, along with the USCCB, brought into light.
LifeSiteNews has details of Carolyn Woo's sniveling reaction to Lepanto's work. I don't think she realizes what she revealed when she claimed that "original sin was kind of abstract". In her time at CRS, particularly with the cover-up of the "gay-married" CRS vice president, she betrayed an abysmal lack of basic Catholic moral teaching.
As always, the only language that gets the attention of the progressives who occupy high places in the USCCB is the language of money. Thus, in addition to prayer, we must speak that language by withholding our donations. It is not time for the annual in-pew CRS collection. However, the in-pew collection for its national counterpart, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (also under direct USCCB control) is this coming weekend. I urge all to boycott that collection this coming weekend. Here are some tools to assist you in this boycott.
Beachfront Property
19 minutes ago
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