100 days from the writing of this post is Election Tuesday.
First I'll remind folks once again that this blog is not a "501c3" or any other type of IRS-recognized "not-for-profit". That means there are no IRS muzzles on me that prevent me from endorsing candidates for polticial office. Being a Maryland resident, that's where I'll focus.
U.S. Senate: Babs desperately needs to retire. This country needs her to retire. And whom do I recommend? Jim Rutledge.
U.S. Congress: I'll list by order of Congressional District.
1 - Andy Harris
2 -
3 -
4 - Robert Broadus
5 - Charles Lollar or Collins Bailey - they both seem good on the key issues
6 - Roscoe Bartlett
7 -
8 - Mike Philips
That takes care of the Federal offices. Marylanders! Every last one of our state and county (and I believe cities, but I don't live in an incorporated town) elected officials are up for election. Those of us in Montgomery County and Baltimore city can clean house!
Marylnad offices
Governor: Brian Murphy Let me make one thing abundantly clear right now, and this requires a history lesson. Remember just two years ago, when then-governor Ehrlich fired Robert Smith because the latter voiced his Catholic beliefs? Read the National Review article for a memory-refresher. "But that was a long time ago", some say? Consider - it wasn't just Smith who was insulted, but any Catholic who has the audacity to voice his beliefs in the public square. Ehrlich stuck his thumbs into each one of our eyes, and he's never apologized for it. Under no circumstances can I recommend a vote for Bob Ehrlich.
Republican Central Committee: I recommend Moshe Starkman and Augustus Alzona. Judging from the Montgomery County Republican website, I believe these are "at large". I know both these men to be in favor of upholding traditional family values. The others may well be, too; I am not acquainted with them. Moving to candidates from specific districts, we have:
LD-14: Terry Bork
LD-17: Josephine Wang
LD-20: Joseph Gillin
State Delegates to the Republican Convention:
LD-17: Josephine Wang
LD-19: Moshe Starkman
LD-39: Bill Witham
Maryland State Senate:
LD-12: Rick Martel (Catonsville area)
LD-39: Bob Smith (same man whom Ehrlich threw under the bus)
I should mention that most Republican candidates are unopposed in their primaries. I'll also state that since the Democrat party is, according to their own platform, proponents of baby-murder, I saw no reason to include them in the list of recommended candidates. Those whom we need to defeat are:
Governor Martin O'Malley
US Senator Barbara Mikulski
All US House of Representative members, with the exception of Roscoe Bartlett
State Senator Mike Miller
Every one of the Montgomery County delegation
We have our work cut out for us.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
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