First let's look at the one at Santa Clara University in California. It's a drag show - on the campus of a supposedly Catholic institution of higher learning. I warn you, it is vulgar; you will have difficulty believing that this isn't occurring in a bar in the seamy side of town. It's so vulgar that I'm not going to embed the video; rather, I'll link to the youtube page. The individual seems to be a concerned Catholic who wants this mess exposed; his youtube id is Tony1584. After you watch the debauchery, I'd suggest looking over to the right of that screen and watch his analysis of the thing; it's in three parts. I think he does a reasonably good job in giving some background, especially into the rather odd priests who seem to have paved the way for that orgy to occur. Alert your friends on the west coast about this travesty; they should be leading a protest of this.
Now let's look at Georgetown University Hospital.
For me, this is close to home, within the Archdiocese of Washington. This is the same supposedly Catholic hospital that was caught in January 2004 of engaging in embryonc stem cell research (but Cardinal McCarrick was "comfortable" with that, so it was ok - right!). This is the same institution that gave refuge to Fr Robert Drinan SJ, who publicly supported the Freedom of Choice Act, and who allowed the Messiah Most Miserable to pollute Gaston Hall with his teleprompter talk. The Georgetown administration furthered the prostitution of their hall on that occasion by covering up the "IHS" monogram - can't have Catholic symbols at a Catholic institution now, can we?
Welll, the hospital is now shaming itself by concealing Jesus. It seems that they want to be "inclusive" and "non-offensive". They have removed the Stations of the Cross from their walls. Why? Because (wait for it!) the Stations were facing Mecca! That's right! The Jesuits didn't want to offend amy Muslims with pictures of Jesus. For good measure, they also decided to furnish Muslim prayer rugs in the chapel.
Between the east coast abomination and the west coast abomination, I'm not sure which is worse. On the one hand. the Jesuits welcome all sorts of immorality and debauchery onto their property. On the other hand, they literally banish the Cross of Christ from their site. Come to think of it, they're quite the same! Pray to St Michael Pro, the North American Martyrs and other saintly Jesuits that they intercede for their wayward brethren.
Inauguration Day
4 hours ago
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