True to regretable form, the Catholic Standard, in its July 8th edition, joined in the obesiance being heaped upon Byrd. Let's face it - the only reason this is being done is that Byrd was a prominent politician who wielded considerable influence. This slobber-fest by the Standard is online.
As you read it, you'll see that Byrd was part of the Ku Klux Klan (he was for quite some time), but then became a "champion of civil rights". Of course the Standard lauds Byrd's support of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program - for the poor children, of course.
But he did not champion all poor children - just those who were fortunate enough to escape the abortionists suction machines. And what about the "civil rights" of the aborted children? Well, pardon my french, but in his advocacy of baby-murder (earning him top scores from NARAL), he basically said "to hell with those tiny babies" as he voted time and time again to facilitate their murders!
An important aside. I'd suggest all watch the move Maafa 21, as it makes clear the historical link between the KKK and other eugenists, and the push to legalize abortion (Order it by clicking here). It is no coincidence whatsoever that 40% of the abortions in our country are done to black babies, while they only comprise 13% of the total US population. Maybe Byrd left the KKK, but he advanced their agendas right up to the end of his life
To the directors and staff of the Catholic Standard and to Bishop Bransfield - By your heaping of adulation upon Robert Byrd, you make clear that the tiny babies he helped to murder are in fact as nothing in your own eyes! Shame on you! Pray for God's mercy upon the man, by all means. But don't carry on as though he already enjoys the Beatific Vision - for that is seriously in doubt at this time.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
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