Recall that Dr Kenneth Howell, retained by the University of Illinois to teach a course on Catholic studies, was fired for doing precisely that. Apparently Catholic truth ruffled politically correct feathers over there, and the university promptly fired Dr Howell. Well they let him retain his title, but he can't teach classes.
Since then, thousands have rallied in support of Dr. Howell. Not all are Catholic; some in fact are atheists who are indignant at the abridging of academic freedom displayed by the university. I urge you to read this Lifesite News article and the article from TFP Student Action; the latter contains Dr Howell's account of the events. As I read the latter, I wonder what sort of person this Msgr Gregory Ketcham is; at the very best, his spine appears to be made of linguine. Both articles contain links to petitions.
In the first article, what I find interesting is that there are thinly disgused enemies of the church who do not want the Church to have anything to say with how the Church is presented. Such a notion is absurd on its face. What these folks are trying to do is to define Catholcism for themselves - with no input from Catholics. Can you imagine any other group being content with such treatment? I can't either - so why should Catholics be expected to sit still for that nonsense? I've said this before, and I'll say it again. There is a move afoot in progresive circles to relegate Catholics to the status of "niggers of the new age". If that term offends some, well, that's just tough tiddly-winks! You don't want to hear it? Then stop treating us as such! I do commend those honest atheists who are standing by Dr. Howell.
Please voice your own objections to the University. Contact information is:
President of the University of Illinois:
Michael J. Hogan
Office of President
364 Henry Administration Building, MC-346
506 S Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801-3649 or or
Chancellor and Provost (Interim) of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Robert A. Easter
Office of Chancellor
317 Swanlund Administration Building, MC-304
601 E John Street
Champaign, IL 61820-5711
Head of the Department of Religion:
Professor Robert J. McKim
Department of Religion
3080 Foreign Languages Building, MC-166
707 S Mathews Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801-3643
Board of Trustees
Please spread word of this matter to your contacts.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
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