First, I am back after several days of vacation. There is a bit of "catch-up" to do.
I notice from "A Washington DC Catholic" that the dinner did happen. You'll notice from the comment from "Audrey" that we were told that it wasn't too hard to find out where it happened. Well, why should it have been "hard" at all? Of what were they ashamed? Perhaps it was the obvious kiss-up to a pro-abortion loud-mouth such as Chris Matthews. Or maybe they didn't want Matthews to go ballistic if he were to see us (and have subsequent rants and raves put a damper on their evening).
However, the mysery has been solved! The CNVS issued a press release that divulged this secret location. It happened in (drum roll, please) Chevy Chase, MD.
Don't you just love it when they get specific? Sheesh! What's the big secret? They're behaving like roaches that had to scurry for cover when the lights shone on their misdeed! They don't want us to know the location of the roach nest! Well, what can you expect but guilty behavior?
Inauguration Day
4 hours ago
Wow! Matthews was a volunteer 40 years ago and it "changed" him. The Peace Corps had a reputation for radicalizing people and I guess he was one of the casualties. So now after working in Africa he favors killing all those little black babies which is exactly what our foreign "aid" does. Matthews is not only a loudmouth, he's a loudmouthed agent of the culture of death. God help him if he doesn't repent! I'm saying a Hail Mary for him right now.