Orrin Hatch of Utah really needs to snap out of it. He is of the old RINO school in thinking that this matter of Elena Kagan is not much more than some genteel debate. On Thursday, he eschewed the idea of a filibuster as "an unheard of, dirty thing to do". Uh, no it isn't, Senator! Not when you're talking of someone who is pro-abortion, pro-gay, anti-First Amendment and anti- Second Amendment. Fortunately, Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is open to the idea. However, we need more teeth than that.
Ladies and gentlemen of the GOP, we are fighting for the soul of this nation. We need you to roll up your sleeves, to be willing to get dirt under your fingernails, and to fight tooth and nail to keep this woman away from that Supreme Court bench.
There is some hopeful signs that they are waking up. Hatch, to his credit, has stated that he would cast an opposing vote for her. At least one pro-abortion senator is concerned enough about Kagan's lack of judicial experience and her activism that she will oppose Kagan (at least for now).
It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to contact our Senators to:: 1) voice opposition to Kagan, 2) urge the conservatives to filibuster her and 3) that your vote for the senator will depend on their resolve during this confirmation/opposition process.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
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