On Monday, Pope Francis gave an address in which he tried to cajole western nations into accepting even more unvetted immigrants, making the claim that migrants' "rights" trump national security concerns. Yes, he said that explicitly. It is said that he is ignoring critics who call his tocsin naive and unrealistic. Well, not only are they naive, but they are inherently sinful, for he is calling on civil governments to ignore their first duties, that towards their citizens. I will not rehash what I've already written on his contradiction of Summa Theologica; rather I'll link to it here. The pope also contradicts the Catechism of the Catholic Church; see here.
In that first link (to Breitbart) the pope is said to have made immigration a "priority of his pontificate". Odd! The primary duty of the pontiff has always been to safeguard and promulgate the Faith for the eternal salvation of souls. Since when do temporal political opinions trump matters of salvation, especially for one so charged? But I do believe the pope when he says in essence that his priorities are skewed.
Another skewed priority appears to be the toppling of Catholic teaching. Amoralis Lamentia appears to have been crafted with that aim in mind. Austrian philosopher Josef Seifert was a friend of Pope St John Paul II and is a staunch defender of Church teachings. No doubt this was a factor in him being purged from the Pontifical Academy for Life during the draconian purge of several months ago. He analyzed AL, particularly paragraph 302, and concludes that as it stands, Amoralis Lamentia will destroy the Church's moral doctrine if it is allowed to stand.
Pope Francis is a Jesuit. Among other things, he evinces all the traits of a modernist. I'd like now to link to a biographical sketch of another Jesuit who was instrumental in spreading the poison of modernism in that order - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. I learned something new and not altogether surprising - that de Chardin is directly descended from Voltaire. I'm not going to go through the whole thing. Rather, I'll focus on one quote: "According to my own principles, I cannot fight against Christianity; I can only work inside it by trying to transform and convert it. A revolutionary attitude would be much easier, and much more pleasant, but it would be suicidal. So I must go step by step, tenaciously."(Letter, Mar. 21, 1941)
Sound familiar? Similar sentiments were voiced by de Chardin's contemporary, Saul Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within." I don't know if the two men knew each other but they both espoused the same evil ends: the deconstruction of Christianity and western civilization.
It seems that both de Chardin and the pope have "infiltrated the system" and are "converting it" (the pope's part still in progress). Both the massive influx of potentially violent muslim immigrants and the fundamental compromise of the Church's teachings will have destabilizing impacts on civilization and the eternal salvation of millions of souls. Let me now remind you of another fundamental concept - that of the Cloward-Piven Strategy. My blogging colleague at Les Femmes pointed out as she was mentioning how the Charlottesville situation was so obviously contrived by progressive Democrats in high places of authority in Virginia government, that the whole thing was an implementation of that strategy. I've written about it in the past. Here is a more comprehensive treatment of that strategy.
It sounds like we have "community organizing" going on at the Vatican. The "communities" being organized are muslim terrorists and dissidents of every stripe in order to bring western civilization to its knees. We need to keep our eyes open and help others to do the same.
12 Years Of Evil
1 hour ago
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