Sunday, May 1, 2022

Achtung, Dummkopf Bloggers! You Veel Obey Frau Nina Jankowicz The Spin-Meister! Jawohl!

The Department of Homeland Security has created a "Disinformation Governance Board".  My!  Doesn't that sound dystopian!  That's because - it is!  Just who the hell gets to decide what constitutes "disinformation"?  Moreover, how is that "governed"?  Nina Jankowicz, a rather unaccomplished individual, is the ostensible dictator director.

Let's just say right off the bat that this is clearly an egregious affront to the First Amendment.  "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press .."   I suppose one could make the argument that Congress is not at fault for having been completely bypassed.  However, that opens up the "separation of powers" can of worms.

She sings her own compositions, by the way.  They are quite revealing.  Here she is, singing about her desires to be "rich, famous, and powerful".  Such lofty goals!  Well, I guess she thinks she got her wish!  Seriously, though, is this not a picture of a would-be petty tyrant?

In one of the links above is a video in which Tucker Carlson exposes more details about Madame Spin-Meister.  One point he makes and that we should all echo is that we have to stand our ground and refuse to let this dizzy dame and her minions have their way.

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