Apparently the incident happened back in November but the local church kept it quiet. However, because WJLA reported it a few days ago, the archdiocese did announce it via Cardinal Wuerl's blog. Read the two pieces, along with what the Washington Blade (local gay newspaper) had to say about the matter.
The man in question, Jeffrey Higgins, is 29 years old. He was born well after Vatican II, and most likely received a Catholic education that was lackluster at best. As you read the WJLA article, you'll notice that he is a "cradle Catholic". He knew enough of his faith to tell his priest in the confessional about his same-sex difficulties. He says his pastor affirmed his disordered tendencies as being loved by God the way he is. Regrettably he's most likely rendering an accurate account of that confession, and that priest will have to answer to God for the spiritually deadly advise he gave to that young man. That said, it seemed that Higgins still understood that there was a problem for he did not publicize his situation to the parish staff.
The parish in question is Mother Seton Church in Germantown MD, pastored by Father Lee Fangmeyer. Progressive indignation aside, Father Fangmeyer did the only thing he could do, in light of the unrepenant attitude evinced by Higgins. To their credit, the same can be said for Bishop Knestout and Cardinal Wuerl. The teaching of Jesus Christ on the topic of homosexual conduct must be upheld by those in service to the Church; Higgins refused to comply so there was no choice but to fire him. We certainly pray that Higgins repents of his perverted lifestyle before he dies, lest he consign himself to hell.
In related news, Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski reminded his employees that they could lose their jobs if they publicly support behaviors that are at odds with Church teaching, including gay #mowwidge. This is welcome news.
Inauguration Day
40 minutes ago
I think a clarification is in order here. Higgins spoke about his same sex attractions to a priest in confession 15 years ago. Fr Fangmeyer was not at Mother Seton 15 years ago. I say this in case someone would erroneously link this this to him.