Apparently Pepsi and Doritos are having an ad contest, with the 10 "winners" to be aired during the Superbowl. The below is one of the "entries". Click here if you cannot see embedded video.
You can go here to sign a petition, or go to Pepsi's website to leave your own comment. Either way, please speak out and don't remain silent. We MUST defend our faith - that is not an option, but a solemn obligation.
And So It Begins
2 hours ago
The video is irrelevant. You folks are being a mockery to faith all by yourselves.
ReplyDeleteLet the ad air, it bashes Protetants, not Catholics. Those self centeed bacstabing protestants deserve all the hate spewed at them for turning their back on the holy roman church
ReplyDeleteDG, methinks thou protesteth too much! The video is very relevant, as it is the topic of this post. You seem to be quite perturbed that I (and others) are bringing this to light. I'm sure you'd rather that we shut up so that you can go your merry way undermining the Church and bringing civilization crashing down. Sorry! Your gig's up! We're going to continue to shine the light on the cockroaches. Get used to it.
ReplyDeleteM, I trust you are merely being sarcastic. I too noticed the Protestant items in the clip. It's a slap in the face to Christianity in general. In fact, if any faith were being depicted in such a disrespectful and flippant manner, I'd be raising protest. Would you? Now remember - I do insist upon respectfulness in the comments. Additionally, I suggest you review future comments for spelling errors as well; the errors abound in your comment.
Thank you forteh link to Pepsi. I wrote this in an email to them:
ReplyDeleteI've seen the comerical produced by Feed my flock; the one that they entered in contest to be shown during superbowl. For any Catholic who believes the Eucharist is Jesus' Body and Blood, this ad is blasphemous. Christ died for me and I would die for Him. For Doritos and Pepsi? Take a guess. I like them, but shall choose to ban them from my life if this commerical is shown, and shall suggest others do so also.
You are a weak minded fool who wants to be offended. I'm Catholic and this commercial isn't even Catholic or blasphemous. You think Christians have some sort of corner of communion, they didn't even create it! It's a pagan ritual that goes back to Egypt and Mesopotamian a ritual to gain the power of gods by eating their flesh. God's laughing all right at the constipated brains of people with no sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteThis commercial in no way portrays a Catholic Church or Catholic priests. It comes the closest to a Lutheran Church communion service. Lutheran pastors commonly wear a Roman collar. Please note that the pastors are not in Catholic vestments during the distribution. The "beverage" is being served in cups, a Lutheran custom although not in such large proportion. The church does not have kneelers, stations of the cross or side altars with candles.
ReplyDeleteAnon of 7:28, your silly rage of huffing and puffing almost makes you cute! I don’t think Catholics “have some sort of communion”; I KNOW they do, namely Holy Communion, which is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. This is the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church – which in turn means it’s the teaching of Jesus Himself. If you don’t believe that, you’re not Catholic – pure and simple, protestations notwithstanding.
ReplyDeleteDo you realize that part of having a sense of humor is knowing when something is NOT funny? You (and sadly, too many others) have no such sense. Come to think of it, common sense on your part likewise seems to be lacking.
Anon of 12:24, I'm not familiar with Lutheran ceremony. However, I did notice the round tray with the little cups and do recognize that as Protestant. That being said, I do think this clip is an insult to Christianity. I don't think they'd dare make some joke about Ramadan or some other Islamic holy day. So why are they making Christians the butt of their sick jokes?
ReplyDeleteUnlike followers of another major world religion, Christians may not "go ballistic" when our sacred beliefs and practices are mocked, but we must use our God-given right to speak up and make our displeasure known. What upsets me almost as much is the lack of civility shown in the derogatory remark of a supposed Catholic against Protestants in general. I am Catholic and proud of it, but the uncivil remark flies in the face of Ecumenism and Vatican Council II. May I apologize for my brother's lack of charity?
The second commandment requires us not to take the Lord's name in vain, which, in essence is to refrain from mocking Jesus or any person of the Holy Trinity. Regardless how non-specific the authors of the ad may have tried to be, the implication that dispensing Doritos and Pepsi in lieu of Christ's precious Body and Blood is just harmless "fun" crosses a line that cannot be crossed. Satirists can mock the Pope, bishops or priests, but to trivialize Jesus giving of Himself so that we might have "life within us" is a sacrilege. I think God does use episodes like this to highlight His teaching in John 6 51-61 that Jesus was serious when He wanted us to believe it is truly His Body and Blood we receive at Communion. Sadly there are many today who are like those followers who shook their heads at Jesus' words and thought Him mad. Scripture says they "walked with Him no more".