American Life League released today a report on various grants issued by the Catholic Relief Services during the year 2012. It is quite well-researched; I urge its study. Judie Brown, on the American Life League website, issued more comments about the state of affairs at the CRS.
In related news, the National Catholic Register commented about the latest CRS scandals. In their article, they commented on an interview that they conducted with Dr. William Marshner, moral theologian at Christendom College. In that interview, Dr. Marshner appears to exonerate CRS a bit. However, in a subsequent interview with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Marshner stated that at the time of his Register interview, he did not realize how integral is the distribution of contraception and abortifacients to the work of Population Services International. He stated that if he were asked again that he would defer to the wishes of the local bishops and he agreed that PSI should have received no CRS funds.
In the video below, Michael Hichborn highlights the ALL report. He draws some comparisons between CCHD and CRS. I will opine that he gives CCHD and by extension, the USCCB, way too much credit for cleaning up their act. They are indeed putting forth token efforts, but that's due only to the increased scrutiny under which the CCHD has found itself - in large part due to the herculean efforts of Hichborn and others.
I've stated this before and will keep on repeating it. Not only should the CCHD and CRS be defunded, but the entire USCCB should be abolished and swept into the dung heap of infamous history.
Peaceful Cultural Exchanges Unalives Fifteen.
5 hours ago
So very sad to have such dirt being aimed at Christ's bride, The Church. Thanks for your update. I was reading this quote this a.m., and I couldn't help but think of those trying desperately to rid the Church of such evil by privately and openly calling upon the Bishops whose response, from what I've seen, is to attack those who are exposing the evil vs. those who are committing the evil. So very sad.
ReplyDelete"Love, and do what you will. If you are silent, be silent for love; or if you cry out, cry out for love.
If you chastise, chastise for love; if you spare, spare for love."
St. Augustine
"Not only should the CCHD and CRS be defunded, but the entire USCCB should be abolished and swept into the dung heap of infamous history."
I am a political economist and a Catholic. From what I have seen, the orientation and demeanor of the USCCB is ill-conceived and wrong-headed. The constant emphasis on the Social Gospel and Social Justice obscures what we Catholics are on earth to do: preach the Gospel to the saving of souls. The message of the Gospel brings souls to new life in Christ, and from it pour out prayer, penance, the works of mercy and an order of truth and justice rooted in Divine Charity and Revelation. The Social Gospel and Social Justice have become, de facto, humanistic corruptions of this ancient formula. They have also been used as a cover for Marxist and Modernist revolutionaries and their movements within the Church to steer Catholics wrong and to make the Church something that She is not.
It's time to get back to the traditions we can understand, and leave behind the experiments that we do not.