My previous post detailed how Howard County's dictates would effectively forbid Mass - or make it illegal. Well, it seems that common sense prevailed for Howard County withdrew that order today.
In Montgomery County, Mark Elrich loosened the chains slightly He held a press conference outside today, I think in Rockville, where he announced that the county would implement "phase one" effective Monday June 1st. Watch the entire video in the WJLA piece. He is catching some well-deserved flack. One might say it's rude behavior, but consider that those people have lost jobs, livlihoods, savings, etc, and all for jackbooted posturing. I salute that lady who held that sign up.
The would-be demagogues need to see that we won't take their tyranny sitting down - or at least many of us are prepared to fight to live as free people. Below is a video done by a woman who sat in on "contact tracing" training and who issues a stark warning. We must continue to be vigilant, espeically against this HB 6666 - and watch our phones!
Friday, May 29, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Howard County MD Dictating Religious Practices
As mentioned in the previous post, most of Maryland is starting to open up, with the exception of Montgomery County. Masses will start to happen, although the restrictions on them remain draconian. However, the executive of Howard County, Calvin Ball, is still flexing his inner tyrant. He has forbidden the consumption of food and drink during services. In a valid Mass, the priest must consume the Host and the Sacred Blood. If that doesn't happen, the Mass isn't licit.
Archbishop Lori has weighed in. He has "serious concerns". I should hope so. Now what is he prepared to do about it? Might I suggest he look to his brother bishops in Minnesota? Many churches across the country are prepared to defy their local overlords. WIth the exception of the Minnesota bishops, I don't know of any other Catholic clergy who are exhibiting anywhere near the courage and resolve of their protestant counterparts.
We have the fullness of Faith. We have the Sacraments. I would ask why don't all our prelates display some spinal fortitude, but readers of this blog (and others) can surmise why.
Archbishop Lori has weighed in. He has "serious concerns". I should hope so. Now what is he prepared to do about it? Might I suggest he look to his brother bishops in Minnesota? Many churches across the country are prepared to defy their local overlords. WIth the exception of the Minnesota bishops, I don't know of any other Catholic clergy who are exhibiting anywhere near the courage and resolve of their protestant counterparts.
We have the fullness of Faith. We have the Sacraments. I would ask why don't all our prelates display some spinal fortitude, but readers of this blog (and others) can surmise why.
Montgomery County MD Slides Further Down The Cesspool
There's talk that the corona virus has awakened more interest in home schooling. Since March much of the nation has had no choice in the matter since schools were closed. When I first heard that public schools were closed, I wasn't that heartbroken for we are all well aware that public schools, by and large, have devolved into brainwashing centers that aim to turn out mind-numb, amoral cogs for the machine of the New World Order.
Thanks to Activist Mommy, we learn that a school district will start a series on LGBTQ+ studies! The students don't learn their history (just the warped version leading them to despise their heritage), no civics or life skills, barely literate, but they just have to learn the "culture of LGBTQ"! And where, oh where, is this pioneering district located? Montgomery County, Maryland, of course! That bastion of all things progressive and dumbed-down!
It was Montgomery County MD that was one of the first localities that tried to implement a NARAL-concocted scheme to shut down pro-life pregnancy centers (and had their behinds handed to them in court). They've led the charge to force transgender "rights" down our throats and to have us fund the lawbreaking of illegal aliens. Late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart set up shop here because this county is so hospitable to baby-killers.
In other news, the State of Maryland is starting to crawl out from corona shut-down - except for one county. Guess which one?
Thanks to Activist Mommy, we learn that a school district will start a series on LGBTQ+ studies! The students don't learn their history (just the warped version leading them to despise their heritage), no civics or life skills, barely literate, but they just have to learn the "culture of LGBTQ"! And where, oh where, is this pioneering district located? Montgomery County, Maryland, of course! That bastion of all things progressive and dumbed-down!
It was Montgomery County MD that was one of the first localities that tried to implement a NARAL-concocted scheme to shut down pro-life pregnancy centers (and had their behinds handed to them in court). They've led the charge to force transgender "rights" down our throats and to have us fund the lawbreaking of illegal aliens. Late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart set up shop here because this county is so hospitable to baby-killers.
In other news, the State of Maryland is starting to crawl out from corona shut-down - except for one county. Guess which one?
Monday, May 25, 2020
Marshall: Freemasons Praise Pope Francis
The document to which Marshall refers, that is the occasion for the acolades from the Masons, is the "Document On Human Fraternity And Living Together" that Pope Francis signed with an Islamic leader last year. That link takes you to the document as published on the Vatican's website. A little more than halfway down is the statement "the diversity of religions..are willed by God". Anyone involved in the crafting, signing and promulgation of this document, containing this heresy, has committed the sin of idolatry. Given the work and deliberation that went into this mess, we must consider that the conditionf for mortal sin are present.
The "new world order" and the "one religion" goals are desired by Masons. Marshall cites the Catholic faith as an obstacle to these goals. He doesn't mention another obstacle that the Masons might wish to eliminate - the United States. Oh, yes, many in high places are masons, but the bulk of ordinary citizens are not. Even though they have been largely corrupted by sins of excess and impurity, there remains just enough sense of history that must be neutralized. Hence we see, during this corona panic, the undermining of constitutional rule of law and the brainwashing of the populace into blindly accepting the dictates of whoever happens to be holding political office. They have already succeeded to a large extent, but not completely yet. The shuttering of churches, economic and social lives is part and parcel of the attempt to extinguish the sense of who we are as a nation. This scenario is being repeated in most of the countries that comprise western civilization. We have been divorced from our own spiritual and civic heritage. When - if - we emerge from this, we have much damage control to accomplish - both in learning our national traditions but more importantly in rediscovering what Our Lord require of us and His Church.
Again, to establish the New World Order, its would-be architects understand that western civilization, with its Christian underpinnings, must be obliterated. Even some honest atheiests understand the unbreakable link between western civiliation and Christianity. More and more of them are beginning to understand that if Christianity is marginalized, the moral underpinnings behind civilization will likewise vanish, leaving behind a resurence of barbarism and anarchy in its wake. As you read that, notice they had no praise at all for Islam. Unless Pope Francis is a complete idiot - and I don't believe he is - he is aware and complicit in all this. It's interesting that the pope fancies himself to be modeled after St Francis. However, the five Franciscan protomartyrs were martyred for preaching Christianity to Muslims. They must be aghast at the pope's capitulation to the Muslins with the document cited above.
The masks are falling off the perpetrators. But are the scales falling off enough eyes?
The "new world order" and the "one religion" goals are desired by Masons. Marshall cites the Catholic faith as an obstacle to these goals. He doesn't mention another obstacle that the Masons might wish to eliminate - the United States. Oh, yes, many in high places are masons, but the bulk of ordinary citizens are not. Even though they have been largely corrupted by sins of excess and impurity, there remains just enough sense of history that must be neutralized. Hence we see, during this corona panic, the undermining of constitutional rule of law and the brainwashing of the populace into blindly accepting the dictates of whoever happens to be holding political office. They have already succeeded to a large extent, but not completely yet. The shuttering of churches, economic and social lives is part and parcel of the attempt to extinguish the sense of who we are as a nation. This scenario is being repeated in most of the countries that comprise western civilization. We have been divorced from our own spiritual and civic heritage. When - if - we emerge from this, we have much damage control to accomplish - both in learning our national traditions but more importantly in rediscovering what Our Lord require of us and His Church.
Again, to establish the New World Order, its would-be architects understand that western civilization, with its Christian underpinnings, must be obliterated. Even some honest atheiests understand the unbreakable link between western civiliation and Christianity. More and more of them are beginning to understand that if Christianity is marginalized, the moral underpinnings behind civilization will likewise vanish, leaving behind a resurence of barbarism and anarchy in its wake. As you read that, notice they had no praise at all for Islam. Unless Pope Francis is a complete idiot - and I don't believe he is - he is aware and complicit in all this. It's interesting that the pope fancies himself to be modeled after St Francis. However, the five Franciscan protomartyrs were martyred for preaching Christianity to Muslims. They must be aghast at the pope's capitulation to the Muslins with the document cited above.
The masks are falling off the perpetrators. But are the scales falling off enough eyes?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
A Courageous Priest Rebukes Derelict Bishops
Now that the president has told the tyranical governors to stand down, our bishops have no more excuses. They should heed the words of this priest and remember that they are shepherds of souls first and foremost.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Trump Orders Governors To Stop Hindering Places Of Worship
Today the president acknowledged that churches, synagogues, mosques are "essential" and ordered governors to cease their lockdowns of worship. He further added that if they fail to do so, that he will override them. In Maryland, I don't know how that will pan out, since Hogan has largely punted that question to the counties.
Isn't it a sad commentary on the faith (or lack thereof) of our bishops when a civil leader understands the importance of prayer to God but the bishops exhibit, at best, a blase attitude towards worship of God? The Minnesota bishops and some Protestants are a happy exception to that mindset, but their numbers are few and far between.
Even now, the left is working to undermine Trump's defense of freedom of religion. I will post now a screenshot of a post by dissident Fr James Martin.
Just look at the first two sentences of the screed and notice the logical disconnect. He is deiberately twisting the meaning of Trump's words to the governors to imply that Trump is ordering the churches to reopen. Nothing of the sort is happening. Churches may well believe that they should remain closed. No one is forcing them to open. But by the same token, the First Amendment prohibits government from forcing them to shutter. That is what Trump is addressing. Either Martin has some problems with basic reading comprehension or he's being disingenuous. Let's cut to the chase; it's the latter and he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar on that one.
So either the govenrors will remember that they are sworn to uphold the United States Constitution (refer to First and Fourteenth Amendments), or President Trump will protect US citizens from overbearing governors and local bureaucrats. Once that happens, we will hold the bishops' feet to the fire. Bishop Schneider had some choice words for those withholding the Sacraments, calling them "fake shepherds". He couldn't be more correct. Those words apply to Archbishops Gregory and Lori in my locality. I'm just thankful that there are pockets of sanity in my area, but again I'm looking at several hours on the road because our prelates fear Hogan, Bowser, and Northam more than God.
Isn't it a sad commentary on the faith (or lack thereof) of our bishops when a civil leader understands the importance of prayer to God but the bishops exhibit, at best, a blase attitude towards worship of God? The Minnesota bishops and some Protestants are a happy exception to that mindset, but their numbers are few and far between.
Even now, the left is working to undermine Trump's defense of freedom of religion. I will post now a screenshot of a post by dissident Fr James Martin.
Just look at the first two sentences of the screed and notice the logical disconnect. He is deiberately twisting the meaning of Trump's words to the governors to imply that Trump is ordering the churches to reopen. Nothing of the sort is happening. Churches may well believe that they should remain closed. No one is forcing them to open. But by the same token, the First Amendment prohibits government from forcing them to shutter. That is what Trump is addressing. Either Martin has some problems with basic reading comprehension or he's being disingenuous. Let's cut to the chase; it's the latter and he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar on that one.
So either the govenrors will remember that they are sworn to uphold the United States Constitution (refer to First and Fourteenth Amendments), or President Trump will protect US citizens from overbearing governors and local bureaucrats. Once that happens, we will hold the bishops' feet to the fire. Bishop Schneider had some choice words for those withholding the Sacraments, calling them "fake shepherds". He couldn't be more correct. Those words apply to Archbishops Gregory and Lori in my locality. I'm just thankful that there are pockets of sanity in my area, but again I'm looking at several hours on the road because our prelates fear Hogan, Bowser, and Northam more than God.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Minnesota Bishops Defy Governor's Tyranny, Open Masses
Minnesota's bishops announced today that they are permitting parishes in their six dioceses to reopen this coming weekend. They noted that the 10-person limit impacts only religious gatherings and thus is inherently discrimatory.
Pray that other bishops will find their backbones and insist upon their right to see to the spiritual needs of their flocks.
Pray that other bishops will find their backbones and insist upon their right to see to the spiritual needs of their flocks.
Covid, New Age, New World Order
All over the United States, the would-be Gestapo chieftans are unmasking themselves. They no longer pretend to be interested in their oaths of office.
Atrocities such as the ones described above continue to be hurled at us - not only from would-be tyrants but also faithless prelates. Connect the dots. We are being told that we should jettison our heritage, both as Catholics and US citizens, on the arbitrary say-so of governmental dictators. Government knows best, you see? Not faithful Catholics, not US citizens, for they are just sheeple! We are being primed and prepared to swallow the New Age, New World Order. I don't know what frightens me more - the agents of the police state, or the dumbed down people who are actually clamoring for task-masters to put nooses around their necks.
- Washington Governor Jay Inslee announced that those who will not "cooperate" with his corona-tracer goons will not be allowed to leave their homes.
- In Los Angeles, if "non-essential businesses" refuse to close, Mayor Eric Garcetti will order that their water and electricity be shut off. I suspect abortion mills are exempt.
- In Louisville, KY, if someone who has been in contacct with a covid-positive person refuses to stay home, he or she will have to wear an ankle monitor and will be criminally charged if he or she leaves the house again. That is to say that if one has the audacity to live their life without fear, he/she can expect to be treated as would be a convicted sex offender. And yes, Kentucky has a snitch site.
- The CDC is recommending that newborns be separated from their mothers and even isolated from others if the mother is suspected of having the covid virus. To isolate a newborn is to inflict devastating psychological on the infant, and certainly would disrupt the bonding that needs to occur after birth.
So are all of these actions designed to "protect the citizens", OR, are they designed to punish those who won't blindly follow the dicates of increasingly tyrannical governmental officials? I think the latter. Moreover, I think there is design afoot to alienate today's Americans from their own national heritage, their families, and knowledge of their God-given rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
Catholics all over the world have been subject to this systematic attempt to erase from their consciousness their Catholic history, dogmas, Sacraments and ultimately their knowledge of Jesus Christ Himself. That's why Holy Mass has been banalized into a sappy and insipid feel-good jamboree. That's why Catholic education has been inundated with politically correct mantras while stripped of the teaching of the Catechism. Most recently, we have seen bishops outdo the civil authorities in the denying of the Sacraments to the faithful, heretically alleging that physical health is just as important (if not more so) than spiritual health. Recall too how a week or so ago, the pope, for "fraternity" was urging pagans to pray to their demon-idols to free us of covid.
Archbishop Vigano recently retierated the warnings given in the appeal that he and many other Catholics have signed to warn of the dangers of the so-called "new world order". Consider that this "new world order" can only occur if citizens of individual countries are brain-washed into disregarding their own national heritage and even adherence to the One True Faith
Friday, May 15, 2020
Red Rose Rescue In Washington DC Thursday May 14 2020
In the eyes of civil government, churches are deemed "non-essential" and are closed by unconstitutional dictatorial fiat. Meanwhile, the baby-slaughter business is considered "essential". The babies would take exception, and God certainly does. Atrocities such as this are some of the reasons why God has allowed this corona scourge to afflict us. The pro-life activists that you see in this clip (and others like them) stand in the breach as did Moses and Aaron to intercede, to stand in the gap, with their intercessions and works of mercy.
Not only do I encourage you to pray for an end to abortion, but to get yourself in front of the killing centers and be a witness for life. The time is long past (if ever it existed) when we can sit on the sidelines and pretend that this isn't our problem. We will all stand before God as He judges us at our death. How will we answer Him?
Thursday, May 14, 2020
From The Frying Pan To The Fire
On Wednesday, May 13, Governor Hogan announced the rescinding of some of his unconstitutional dictates. Under limited conditions will some of Maryland businesses remain free of jack-booted behavior from local police. These dictates should never have been laid upon us in the first place; I will not call them law for they themselves are unlawful in that they fly in the face of the United States Constitution, the highest civil law in this country.
Church services are free to resume at 50% capacity. For many churches, that means they can resume as they had been, owing to the previous drop-off of attendance. Of area Catholic dioceses, I am only aware of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston that will offer public Masses commencing the weekend of May 23-24. The Archdiocese of Baltimore will start offering public Masses the weekend of May 30-31. They will now cease their denial of the Sacraments of Penance and Extreme Unction. Below is a video by Archbishop Lori as he announces the "protocols". He will not hinder Comunion on the tongue. More commentary under the video.
The Archdiocese of Washington remains without a public Mass. Much of the Maryland portion of the diocese is within Montgomery and Prince George's counties. Both those county executives are now playing the dictators and keeping civic life under the jack-boot. I don't know what Archbishop Gregory is doing about Charles and Calvert counties, nor do I know the mndsets of those local governments.
Meanwhile, from the Vatican came a call to engage in world-wide idolatry. They called upon people "of all religious affiliations" to pray and fast for an end to the covid pandemic. People were encouraged to pray "according to the teachings of their religion, faith or sect". Folks, not only would this be rank idolatry on our part, but the Vatican - and the Pope - are telling pagans that they should worship their demon-idols. I wonder what the Vatican would say if those "teachings" mandated human sacrifice?
I believe we are undergoing this pandemic because of various idolatries and sins against the One True God. So the pope shuts the churches, forbids priests to administer the sacraments and now goes so far as to advocate all-out idolatry? Do they have any common sense? Do they have a scintilla of belief in Our Lord Jesus Christ?
We'd better pray and speak out the truth, lest the next chastisement from God makes this current one look like a cake walk.
Church services are free to resume at 50% capacity. For many churches, that means they can resume as they had been, owing to the previous drop-off of attendance. Of area Catholic dioceses, I am only aware of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston that will offer public Masses commencing the weekend of May 23-24. The Archdiocese of Baltimore will start offering public Masses the weekend of May 30-31. They will now cease their denial of the Sacraments of Penance and Extreme Unction. Below is a video by Archbishop Lori as he announces the "protocols". He will not hinder Comunion on the tongue. More commentary under the video.
The Archdiocese of Washington remains without a public Mass. Much of the Maryland portion of the diocese is within Montgomery and Prince George's counties. Both those county executives are now playing the dictators and keeping civic life under the jack-boot. I don't know what Archbishop Gregory is doing about Charles and Calvert counties, nor do I know the mndsets of those local governments.
Meanwhile, from the Vatican came a call to engage in world-wide idolatry. They called upon people "of all religious affiliations" to pray and fast for an end to the covid pandemic. People were encouraged to pray "according to the teachings of their religion, faith or sect". Folks, not only would this be rank idolatry on our part, but the Vatican - and the Pope - are telling pagans that they should worship their demon-idols. I wonder what the Vatican would say if those "teachings" mandated human sacrifice?
I believe we are undergoing this pandemic because of various idolatries and sins against the One True God. So the pope shuts the churches, forbids priests to administer the sacraments and now goes so far as to advocate all-out idolatry? Do they have any common sense? Do they have a scintilla of belief in Our Lord Jesus Christ?
We'd better pray and speak out the truth, lest the next chastisement from God makes this current one look like a cake walk.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
HR 6666 - Covid Is New World Order Excuse To Control Us Via Tracing
I will preface this with some warnings, the reasons for which will be clear in the presentation.
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.
May 1, 2020
Mr. Rush (for himself, Ms. Barragán, Ms. Bass, Mr. Beyer, Mr. Brown of Maryland, Mr. Butterfield, Mr. Cárdenas, Mr. Carson of Indiana, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Correa, Mr. Cuellar, Ms. DeGette, Mrs. Demings, Mr. Gonzalez of Texas, Mr. Grijalva, Mr. Hastings, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Higgins of New York, Ms. Kaptur, Mr. Khanna, Ms. Kuster of New Hampshire, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Mr. Lynch, Ms. McCollum, Ms. Moore, Ms. Norton, Mr. Payne, Mr. Raskin, Mr. Rouda, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Sarbanes, Ms. Sewell of Alabama, Mr. Sires, Mr. Soto, Ms. Tlaib, Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Mr. Van Drew, Ms. Velázquez, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, and Mrs. Napolitano) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
(e) Federal Privacy Requirements.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede any Federal privacy or confidentiality requirement, including the regulations promulgated under section 264(c) of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–191; 110 Stat. 2033) and section 543 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290dd–2).
(f) Definitions.—In this section:
- Do NOT submit to "testing" unless obviously sick with symptoms.
- Do NOT allow any "tracers" into your home.
- Do NOT download any tracing apps to your phones.
Now I present the video, with important information following.
The bill to which Weston refers is HR 6666. Here it is, as posted on Congress' web site. Below is the text of that bill. My colleague at Les Femmes posted it too, with pertinent points highlighted, so I'll just borrow her text.
Obviously what should be added to the list above is to tell your representative that you oppose this bill and they should also vote to oppose it. We should all also contact the House Energy and Commerce Committee for that is where its initial hearings are being conducted.
H.R 6666
2d Session
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.
May 1, 2020
Mr. Rush (for himself, Ms. Barragán, Ms. Bass, Mr. Beyer, Mr. Brown of Maryland, Mr. Butterfield, Mr. Cárdenas, Mr. Carson of Indiana, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Correa, Mr. Cuellar, Ms. DeGette, Mrs. Demings, Mr. Gonzalez of Texas, Mr. Grijalva, Mr. Hastings, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Higgins of New York, Ms. Kaptur, Mr. Khanna, Ms. Kuster of New Hampshire, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Mr. Lynch, Ms. McCollum, Ms. Moore, Ms. Norton, Mr. Payne, Mr. Raskin, Mr. Rouda, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Sarbanes, Ms. Sewell of Alabama, Mr. Sires, Mr. Soto, Ms. Tlaib, Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Mr. Van Drew, Ms. Velázquez, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, and Mrs. Napolitano) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the “COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”.
(a) In General.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts, through—
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the “COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”.
(a) In General.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts, through—
(1) mobile health units; and
(2) as necessary, testing individuals and providing individuals with services related to testing and quarantine at their residences.(b) Permissible Uses Of Funds.—A grant recipient under this section may use the grant funds, in support of the activities described in subsection
(1) to hire, train, compensate, and pay the expenses of individuals; and(c) Priority.—In selecting grant recipients under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to—
(2) to purchase personal protective equipment and other supplies.
(1) applicants proposing to conduct activities funded under this section in hot spots and medically underserved communities; and(d) Distribution.—In selecting grant recipients under this section, the Secretary shall ensure that grants are distributed across urban and rural areas.
(2) applicants that agree, in hiring individuals to carry out activities funded under this section, to hire residents of the area or community where the activities will primarily occur, with higher priority among applicants described in this paragraph given based on the percentage of individuals to be hired from such area or community.
(e) Federal Privacy Requirements.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede any Federal privacy or confidentiality requirement, including the regulations promulgated under section 264(c) of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–191; 110 Stat. 2033) and section 543 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290dd–2).
(f) Definitions.—In this section:
(1) The term “eligible entity” means—
(A) a Federally qualified health center (as defined in section 1861(aa) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(aa)));
(B) a school-based health clinic;
(C) a disproportionate share hospital (as defined under the applicable State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) pursuant to section 1923(a)(1)(A) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1396r–4));
(D) an academic medical center;
(E) a nonprofit organization (including any such faith-based organization);
(F) an institution of higher education (as defined in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001));
(G) a high school (as defined in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801)); or
(H) any other type of entity that is determined by the Secretary to be an eligible entity for purposes of this section.
(2) The term “emergency period” has the meaning given to that term in section 1135(g)(1)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b–5(g)(1)(B)).
(3) The term “hot spot” means a geographic area where the rate of infection with the virus that causes COVID–19 exceeds the national average.
(4) The term “medically underserved community” has the meaning given to that term in section 799B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 295p).
(5) The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Health and Human Services.(g) Authorization Of Appropriations.—To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated—
(1) $100,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2020; and
(2) such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal year 2021 and any subsequent fiscal year during which the emergency period continues.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Corona Highlighting Need For Repentance
I urge one and all to listen to this. I do have a few comments.
First, he is correct about the need to vote pro-life. However, elections only happen every few years. We need to be engaged between elections as well. An excellent way is to be in front of abortion mills praying and/or offering assistance to women on a regular, committed basis.
Second, there is the issue of sodomy. Both abortion and sodomy "cry out to heaven for vengeance" and both stem from the wanton disregard for Christ's teachings regarding marriage, sexuality, life, family - particularly those found in Casti Connubi and Humanae Vitae. Our Lady of Fatima told the children that most people go to hell because of sins of the flesh and that the final battle between God and Satan will revolve around the family.
Right now, the Church's response to the covid matter has been abysmal. At a time when we need more prayer, more Sacraments, the leadership has by and large cut off the faithful from the Sacraments. They cite the need to attend to physical health, but fail to prioritize spiritual health over the physical.
In addition to the courses of action recommended by Terry, we must also stand against the encroaching tyranny directly. While the tyranny might be being allowed by God, still the tyranny remains an intrinsic evil. That cannot be passively accepted anymore than other evils.
First, he is correct about the need to vote pro-life. However, elections only happen every few years. We need to be engaged between elections as well. An excellent way is to be in front of abortion mills praying and/or offering assistance to women on a regular, committed basis.
Second, there is the issue of sodomy. Both abortion and sodomy "cry out to heaven for vengeance" and both stem from the wanton disregard for Christ's teachings regarding marriage, sexuality, life, family - particularly those found in Casti Connubi and Humanae Vitae. Our Lady of Fatima told the children that most people go to hell because of sins of the flesh and that the final battle between God and Satan will revolve around the family.
Right now, the Church's response to the covid matter has been abysmal. At a time when we need more prayer, more Sacraments, the leadership has by and large cut off the faithful from the Sacraments. They cite the need to attend to physical health, but fail to prioritize spiritual health over the physical.
In addition to the courses of action recommended by Terry, we must also stand against the encroaching tyranny directly. While the tyranny might be being allowed by God, still the tyranny remains an intrinsic evil. That cannot be passively accepted anymore than other evils.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Why Infringement On Our Civil Rights Is More Deadly Than Corona
A few days ago, Kansas City Mayor Quintin Lucas ordered churches to turn over names and addresses of all those who attended their worship services. Obviously that is an action that one might expect to find in Red China, but not in the United States. Many good people thought the same thing too, when this news went viral. Realizing he was not going to escape public scrutiny, the less-than-illustrious mayor backpedaled his order. Similarly, we all heard the saga of Shelly Luther, the Dallas hair stylist who was sentenced to 7 days in jail for opening her salon. It seems that she believed that she and her employees needed to work to feed their families. Read the account of her trial before an Obama-appointed judge who ordered her to apologize. She refused. Governor Abbott ordered her released. We hope some of that common sense prevails in Michigan, where a homeowner faces 93 days in jail for growing a vegetable garden in her yard. How on earth a vegetable garden could ever spread any disease is beyond me. I hope the woman sues.
Recently, US Attorney General Barr announced that it's time to roll back the draconian restrictions that have been placed on US citizens by state and local governments. He stated quite clearly that "the Bill of Rights doesn't go away during a crisis". In many ways he echoed the words that US Congressman Andy Harris spoke to us this past Saturday in Salisbury.
Some lawsuits against tin-horn governors, including my own, are in progress. Tabernacle Baptist Church is suing Kentucky Governor Beshear for closing churches while allowing abortuaries to remain open. A few days ago, Reopen MD, along with three state delegates, filed suit in the US District Courts to end Hogan's dictatorial escapades. Embedded in this post is the text of the complaint.
We now read the news that Chicago pastors plan to reopen their churches, regardless of the dictates of the mayor. Sadly, but not at all suprisingly, no Catholic clerics joined these courageous pastors. I've outlined in previous posts some of the despicable antics of our prelates, no need to rehash that here.
Other prelates are speaking out. In an interview, Cardinal Gerhardt Muller flat out said that no bishop has the right to ban public Masses. Apparantly there have been some silly suggestions regarding the distribution of Holy Communion in plastic baggies. Cardinal Sarah rebuked that nonsense squarely.
These two cardinals, along with other prelates and leading Catholics, have issued a warning to the world in light of the covid pandemic. They see clearly that this is being used to insinuate a dangerous, one-world government that is all-encompassing and tyranical, and to destroy western civilization. They state so quite clearly. All should read it, especially those good pro-lifers who are all too willing to give our politicians a pass on their encroachments on our civil liberties. This simplistic, passive stance towards the events of the past two weeks is very dangerous. I've stated before that we've forgotten who we are as Catholics and as US citizens.
The various protests give hopeful signs that some are starting to wake up. What faithful Catholics need to do is understand that many of our prelates are in cahoots in the attempt to establish this one world government, about which Cardinals Zen, Muller and others warn. There is much more to world events than meets the eye. We must pray to have our eyes opened and to have the courage and vision to do what needs to be done.
Recently, US Attorney General Barr announced that it's time to roll back the draconian restrictions that have been placed on US citizens by state and local governments. He stated quite clearly that "the Bill of Rights doesn't go away during a crisis". In many ways he echoed the words that US Congressman Andy Harris spoke to us this past Saturday in Salisbury.
Some lawsuits against tin-horn governors, including my own, are in progress. Tabernacle Baptist Church is suing Kentucky Governor Beshear for closing churches while allowing abortuaries to remain open. A few days ago, Reopen MD, along with three state delegates, filed suit in the US District Courts to end Hogan's dictatorial escapades. Embedded in this post is the text of the complaint.
We now read the news that Chicago pastors plan to reopen their churches, regardless of the dictates of the mayor. Sadly, but not at all suprisingly, no Catholic clerics joined these courageous pastors. I've outlined in previous posts some of the despicable antics of our prelates, no need to rehash that here.
Other prelates are speaking out. In an interview, Cardinal Gerhardt Muller flat out said that no bishop has the right to ban public Masses. Apparantly there have been some silly suggestions regarding the distribution of Holy Communion in plastic baggies. Cardinal Sarah rebuked that nonsense squarely.
These two cardinals, along with other prelates and leading Catholics, have issued a warning to the world in light of the covid pandemic. They see clearly that this is being used to insinuate a dangerous, one-world government that is all-encompassing and tyranical, and to destroy western civilization. They state so quite clearly. All should read it, especially those good pro-lifers who are all too willing to give our politicians a pass on their encroachments on our civil liberties. This simplistic, passive stance towards the events of the past two weeks is very dangerous. I've stated before that we've forgotten who we are as Catholics and as US citizens.
The various protests give hopeful signs that some are starting to wake up. What faithful Catholics need to do is understand that many of our prelates are in cahoots in the attempt to establish this one world government, about which Cardinals Zen, Muller and others warn. There is much more to world events than meets the eye. We must pray to have our eyes opened and to have the courage and vision to do what needs to be done.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dowload These Movies NOW!!
Today Hogan has eased somewhat our de facto house arrests. Well, that's nice but is by no means satisfactory. Evidence exists that this corona scare may well have deliberate and sinister origins. Whether or not Hogan is in on this, or just sees this as a way to advance political ambitions, I've no way of knowing. At the very least, he and a lot of others are being manipulated. Please download these before they "disappear". I've already done so. We need to stop our unquestioning acceptance of the slop that mainstream media hurls in our direction. Let's learn to think and to connect some dots here.
UPDATE - the video above is my second attempt to present Dr Judy Mikovits. Youtube did indeed pull it. I see some sources that take exception to what she says, but so far I've seen no reasons put forth, except disapproval of her taking on Fauci. Courtesy of z3news, here it is.
UPDATE - the video above is my second attempt to present Dr Judy Mikovits. Youtube did indeed pull it. I see some sources that take exception to what she says, but so far I've seen no reasons put forth, except disapproval of her taking on Fauci. Courtesy of z3news, here it is.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Cross MD Road Rally With Congressman Andy Harris
On Saturday, May 2, 2020, ReOpenMDNow conducted a statewide "Cross MD Road Rally" to protest Hogan's shutdown of Maryland social, religious and economic life. It started in Frederick and ended in Salisbury. Congressman Andy Harris spoke in Salisbury.
Because of other commitments, I couldn't join the rally in the beginning. I caught up with them at a lunch stop on Kent Island. We then had a motorcade down Route 50 till we got to Salisbury. We were slated to use one empty mall parking lot. Some Salisbury bigwigs decided they didn't like that (I don't know all the details) but we were able to relocate relatively painlessly to a Kohl's parking lot just a few minutes north of our original location.
I understand that State Rep Dan Cox was slated to give an opening address in Frederick. However, MD State Police informed him that if he attended the rally, he'd be arrested. I am happy to learn that Cox and some other delegates have filed suit on account of that gross violation of First Amendment rights. The Maryland Troopers also pulled participants off the road as they were processing along Interstate 70. Again, another violation of First Amendment rights that one might have found in a history text regarding Nazi Storm Troopers. In the video, you'll hear Congressman Harris allude to that.
We had heard that counter-protesters might try to disrupt us along the way. I myself didn't see any of that. When I was driving to the Kohl's lot, I saw a vehicle with the signs that you see to the right.
When I first saw this, I thought how the sign on his car was quite typical of the thinking of liberals. He admits that he's simply willing to laze around and do nothing while good people strive to be productive.
A few minutes later, I realized this fellow was malevolent as well as lazy, as you'll see in the video. The long and short of it is that he got into the parking lot before I did and when I emerged from my car, he had shoved one of our people - with his car! I believe the term is "vehicular assault". The cops put on a show of interviewing him, but he wound up just driving away. Why was he not put in handcuffs? A few hours ago, MD State Troopers were pulling us over for simply driving on the freeway. In Salisbury, a liberal deliberately strikes someone with their car, and the local cops just send him on his way. I don't know if he even got a perfunctory "slap on the wrist".
There will be other actions - such as a protest next Saturday at Church Circle in Annapolis. I believe it starts noon, but will confirm. In the meantime, here is my video of the rally.
Because of other commitments, I couldn't join the rally in the beginning. I caught up with them at a lunch stop on Kent Island. We then had a motorcade down Route 50 till we got to Salisbury. We were slated to use one empty mall parking lot. Some Salisbury bigwigs decided they didn't like that (I don't know all the details) but we were able to relocate relatively painlessly to a Kohl's parking lot just a few minutes north of our original location.
I understand that State Rep Dan Cox was slated to give an opening address in Frederick. However, MD State Police informed him that if he attended the rally, he'd be arrested. I am happy to learn that Cox and some other delegates have filed suit on account of that gross violation of First Amendment rights. The Maryland Troopers also pulled participants off the road as they were processing along Interstate 70. Again, another violation of First Amendment rights that one might have found in a history text regarding Nazi Storm Troopers. In the video, you'll hear Congressman Harris allude to that.

When I first saw this, I thought how the sign on his car was quite typical of the thinking of liberals. He admits that he's simply willing to laze around and do nothing while good people strive to be productive.
A few minutes later, I realized this fellow was malevolent as well as lazy, as you'll see in the video. The long and short of it is that he got into the parking lot before I did and when I emerged from my car, he had shoved one of our people - with his car! I believe the term is "vehicular assault". The cops put on a show of interviewing him, but he wound up just driving away. Why was he not put in handcuffs? A few hours ago, MD State Troopers were pulling us over for simply driving on the freeway. In Salisbury, a liberal deliberately strikes someone with their car, and the local cops just send him on his way. I don't know if he even got a perfunctory "slap on the wrist".
There will be other actions - such as a protest next Saturday at Church Circle in Annapolis. I believe it starts noon, but will confirm. In the meantime, here is my video of the rally.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Local Tin-Horn Tyrants Manifest Themselves
People are indeed acting like chickens with their heads cut off. Certainly their brains have been short-circuited. Consider NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio. His latest hysterics were caused by a group of Orthodox Jews engaging in a funeral service. He snarled at both Jews and Christians saying "the time for warnings has passed" and "you need to stop services". Now what was that about "separation of Church and state again"? Of course we always knew that when the left uttered that mantra, they meant that religious beliefs were not permitted to be implemented in public arena - all about the marginalization of faith. That marginalization has been racheted up a few notches, so now the state is invading houses of worship. But I digress! Say! Isn't this the same fellow who decided to "donate" over 400,000 meals to Muslims to break their ramadan fasts? Guess who's really paying for that? Gotta love that selective "separation of church and state"! So is De Blasio blaming the covid death rate of NYC on Jews?
Al Gore begs to differ! According to him, the real cuprit behind covid is fossil fuels! It's all that global warming, you know! But wait a minute! Doesn't the covid-19 virus disintegrate in warm temperatures? My! Talk about an Inconvenient Truth!
All too often, though, our bishops outdo the secular dictators in sheer pettiness and stupidity. I admit that Canada is a bit further down the rabbit hole of lunacy than are we, but we're not that far behind. Bishop Albert Thevonet of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, really believes that marriage is bad for "social distancing"! Very bad! But if they must get married, Thevonet insists that weddings confom to local health regulations. That means that bride and groom must stand two meters apart during the nuptial Mass! I'm not kidding! At first I thought I was reading the Babylon Bee! What sane person would cough up this crap? None! Just what does this bishop expect the hapless newlyweds to do on their wedding night?
Wisconsin police (of Calumet County) harrass a mother for the high crime and misdemeanor of (gasp!) letting her daughter play at a neighbor's home. Watch that exchange! The male deputy is Matthew Eberhardt. The sheriff's department webpage is already in damage control mode. Contact them and let them know your displeasure at their unconstitutional overreach.
Here's Knox County TN telling churches they may not distribute Communion. According to those local despots, Communion is "not deemed core worship". So now they have the chutzpah to dictate our doctrine to us???
Some good people are starting to stand up for their liberties. Here's an account of a Virginia church that is suing the governor of Virginia for his unconstitutional stay at home order.
Meanwhile, here in the People's Republic of Maryland, Hogan shows no signs of letting up with his draconian measures. His press conferences aren't much more than exercises in preening and posturing. Ad nauseum we are told how he, as governor, was ahead of most other states in dealing with the pandemic. Oddly enough, though, we are lagging behind in the resumption of our civil liberties and economic life. I sense an inconsistency here.
Ah, but he is taking measures! You'll be reassured to know that the Baltimore City Police is hiring (drum roll, please) Covid-19 Social Compliance Officers! Take a gander at that advertisement and the qualifications for which they seek! Military experience! De-escalation skills (whatever the hell that means)! Now look at the "pay and benefits" section. There's "opportunity for growth"! No wait a minute! Doesn't "growth" require time, and a considerable amount at that? Just how long do the oligarchs plan to keep this lockdown in place? According to what Hogan said in the early days, we'd be getting back to normal soon, precluding any such "opportunity for growth"!
Now if Hogan is really gung-ho on public safety, then why, oh why, is he getting set to release hundreds of prison inmates into society? Is it to make room in the jails for those recalcitrant "selfish" ones who simply want to support their families and walk "the wrong way" down the grocery store aisles? Far-fetched? Then why did four separate police departments descend upon a Cecil County restaurant owner when he served carry-out in compliance with all "social distancing" regs? He is demanding answers and I hope he files suit.
WTOP has some questions about Hogan. They too have noticed him bragging about himself and his multitude of public appearances. Normally I don't pay too much attention to mainstream media but this time I think they are on to something. Hogan is on his second term as governor. He can't run again for that seat. But he can run for federal office. Chris Van Hollen is up for reelection in 2022. Does he seek that seat?
It's quite possible that he has his sights set on the presidency, perhaps even to challenge Trump for this coming presidential election. Consider what he is doing with those 500,000 test kits that he just got from South Korea. No, I am NOT quoting the Onion on this. He has them stashed away in a secret location, guarded by both Maryland State Troopers and the Maryland National Guard, against the federal government, i.e., President Trump. Talk about a direct slap in the face to the president - or maybe it's just paranoia! Actually I think it's just purely political posturing at our expense. I don't think the kits have been tested by the FDA so how can Hogan be sure that they aren't tainted? This is crap that I would have expected from Hillary or Obama, not a GOP governor.
Hogan needs to retire, but first he needs to do something decent and start the reopening of Maryland, and the nationwide tyranny needs to stop.
Al Gore begs to differ! According to him, the real cuprit behind covid is fossil fuels! It's all that global warming, you know! But wait a minute! Doesn't the covid-19 virus disintegrate in warm temperatures? My! Talk about an Inconvenient Truth!
All too often, though, our bishops outdo the secular dictators in sheer pettiness and stupidity. I admit that Canada is a bit further down the rabbit hole of lunacy than are we, but we're not that far behind. Bishop Albert Thevonet of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, really believes that marriage is bad for "social distancing"! Very bad! But if they must get married, Thevonet insists that weddings confom to local health regulations. That means that bride and groom must stand two meters apart during the nuptial Mass! I'm not kidding! At first I thought I was reading the Babylon Bee! What sane person would cough up this crap? None! Just what does this bishop expect the hapless newlyweds to do on their wedding night?
Wisconsin police (of Calumet County) harrass a mother for the high crime and misdemeanor of (gasp!) letting her daughter play at a neighbor's home. Watch that exchange! The male deputy is Matthew Eberhardt. The sheriff's department webpage is already in damage control mode. Contact them and let them know your displeasure at their unconstitutional overreach.
Here's Knox County TN telling churches they may not distribute Communion. According to those local despots, Communion is "not deemed core worship". So now they have the chutzpah to dictate our doctrine to us???
Some good people are starting to stand up for their liberties. Here's an account of a Virginia church that is suing the governor of Virginia for his unconstitutional stay at home order.
Meanwhile, here in the People's Republic of Maryland, Hogan shows no signs of letting up with his draconian measures. His press conferences aren't much more than exercises in preening and posturing. Ad nauseum we are told how he, as governor, was ahead of most other states in dealing with the pandemic. Oddly enough, though, we are lagging behind in the resumption of our civil liberties and economic life. I sense an inconsistency here.
Ah, but he is taking measures! You'll be reassured to know that the Baltimore City Police is hiring (drum roll, please) Covid-19 Social Compliance Officers! Take a gander at that advertisement and the qualifications for which they seek! Military experience! De-escalation skills (whatever the hell that means)! Now look at the "pay and benefits" section. There's "opportunity for growth"! No wait a minute! Doesn't "growth" require time, and a considerable amount at that? Just how long do the oligarchs plan to keep this lockdown in place? According to what Hogan said in the early days, we'd be getting back to normal soon, precluding any such "opportunity for growth"!
Now if Hogan is really gung-ho on public safety, then why, oh why, is he getting set to release hundreds of prison inmates into society? Is it to make room in the jails for those recalcitrant "selfish" ones who simply want to support their families and walk "the wrong way" down the grocery store aisles? Far-fetched? Then why did four separate police departments descend upon a Cecil County restaurant owner when he served carry-out in compliance with all "social distancing" regs? He is demanding answers and I hope he files suit.
WTOP has some questions about Hogan. They too have noticed him bragging about himself and his multitude of public appearances. Normally I don't pay too much attention to mainstream media but this time I think they are on to something. Hogan is on his second term as governor. He can't run again for that seat. But he can run for federal office. Chris Van Hollen is up for reelection in 2022. Does he seek that seat?
It's quite possible that he has his sights set on the presidency, perhaps even to challenge Trump for this coming presidential election. Consider what he is doing with those 500,000 test kits that he just got from South Korea. No, I am NOT quoting the Onion on this. He has them stashed away in a secret location, guarded by both Maryland State Troopers and the Maryland National Guard, against the federal government, i.e., President Trump. Talk about a direct slap in the face to the president - or maybe it's just paranoia! Actually I think it's just purely political posturing at our expense. I don't think the kits have been tested by the FDA so how can Hogan be sure that they aren't tainted? This is crap that I would have expected from Hillary or Obama, not a GOP governor.
Hogan needs to retire, but first he needs to do something decent and start the reopening of Maryland, and the nationwide tyranny needs to stop.
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