In the beginning of Lent of 2012 Father Marcel Guarnizo, then parochial vicar of St John Neumann Catholic Church in Gaithersburg MD, withheld Holy Communion from a flagrantly practicing lesbian. I've chronicled that copiously on my blog; see the archives that deal not only with the incident but also the utterly contemptible manner in which the Archdiocese of Washington chancery dealt with the matter.
Today the Connecticut Catholic Corner blog gave an account of a Missouri priest, Father Benjamin Kneib. He also obeyed Canon 915 when he denied Holy Communion to a lesbian couple. In doing so, Father gave witness to the dignity of the Blessed Sacrament and prevented the couple from incurring the guilt of a sacrilegious Holy Communion.
Sadly it seems that many of the parishioners voiced sympathy to the two lesbians who had just been spared from committing another mortal sin. It seems that the two had been receiving Holy Communion quite openly. In other words, previous priests had been derelict in their sacerdotal duties. This is a parish that stands in dire need of some remedial catechesis and much prayer.
This happened at St. Columban Catholic Church in Chillicothe, MO. This is the website for the parish. Father Kneib is the adminstrator. Visit that site and leave Father a word of encouragement and thanks. We know from sad experience that the gay wasps and hornets will be buzzing about, spewing venom at him.
This blog publicly thanks you, Father Kneib!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Catholic Relief Services - Ingredient In The Depopulation Bomb
Below I'll post a Vortex video that details some results from the contraceptive, anti-life culture. These are results that are now apparent; it seems that some countries are beginning to wake up, but will it be too little, too late? Keep in mind the previous post that shows how Africans and other poorer people are being targeted for elimination.
Aiding and abetting this targeted genocide is none other than Catholic Relief Services. Long-time readers of this blog will recall that we've shown the spotlight on their distribution of contraceptive and abortifacient items. Read here for the archive. This is no mere coincidence. Catholic Relief Services is heavily funded by George Soros; the other main funder is USAID. Catholic Relief Services, at the very least, is allowing itself to be used as tools for the furtherance of eugenics. However, I would not be the least bit surprised if the upper-level management isn't fully aware and approving of those activities. Consider the way that Ken Hackett was rewarded by Obama for his ten-year term as director of CRS.
We can whine all we want about the nefarious forces outside the Church. But if we're going to be successful in any manner, we must expunge the culture of death from within Mother Church. The abolition of the entire United States Conference of Catholic Bishops should be one of the first steps in that purification.
Now the video..
Aiding and abetting this targeted genocide is none other than Catholic Relief Services. Long-time readers of this blog will recall that we've shown the spotlight on their distribution of contraceptive and abortifacient items. Read here for the archive. This is no mere coincidence. Catholic Relief Services is heavily funded by George Soros; the other main funder is USAID. Catholic Relief Services, at the very least, is allowing itself to be used as tools for the furtherance of eugenics. However, I would not be the least bit surprised if the upper-level management isn't fully aware and approving of those activities. Consider the way that Ken Hackett was rewarded by Obama for his ten-year term as director of CRS.
We can whine all we want about the nefarious forces outside the Church. But if we're going to be successful in any manner, we must expunge the culture of death from within Mother Church. The abolition of the entire United States Conference of Catholic Bishops should be one of the first steps in that purification.
Now the video..
The Depopulation Bomb
JAN 31 UPDATE: I posted a video with the original posting. Not 24 hours later, the youtube account associated with the video was terminated "due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement". Of course it's just the strangest of coincidences that all these "third-party notifications" materialized just after the video got posted to my humble little old blog. Thanks, guys! You just paid me a high compliment!
Anyway, the video appeared elsewhere. I'm posting it again at 9:17pm est. We'll see how long this one stays up!
Below is a video I'm posting on the recommendation of a trusted friend. I've just started to watch this. As fantastic as this may sound, it does resonate with the piece that I posted yesterday. I'm also posting some more elaboration on Al Gore's "fertility management" quip. Apparently he's focusing on African population management! My word! Had these words come from a Republican, Jesse Jackson and ilk would be climbing all over it. Isn't just a tad peculiar that you're hearing nary a peep from them now? The racism is exposed in the video, between the 12:00 and 14:00 marks.
I bet many thought eugenics died with Nazi Germany, right? Guess again! It's alive and well, especially within progressive circles. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, corresponded frequently with Nazi doctors in the 1930s. She even hobnobbed with the Ku Klux Klan - see here. As you read that link, please consider ordering a copy of the Maafa21 video. It is quite eye-opening to read the unmistakable links between abortion and the eugenics movement.
The video is an hour long. I think it will be well worth your time. Also pay close attention in the beginning as it chides current Americans for being more concerned about "sports and celebrity gossip" than about the affairs of their country and fellow citizens. If that describes you, dear readers, please get down on your knees and repent of that sin. Then wake up and combat this mess. You might start by joining a prayer effort in front of your local abortion death camp.
Anyway, the video appeared elsewhere. I'm posting it again at 9:17pm est. We'll see how long this one stays up!
Below is a video I'm posting on the recommendation of a trusted friend. I've just started to watch this. As fantastic as this may sound, it does resonate with the piece that I posted yesterday. I'm also posting some more elaboration on Al Gore's "fertility management" quip. Apparently he's focusing on African population management! My word! Had these words come from a Republican, Jesse Jackson and ilk would be climbing all over it. Isn't just a tad peculiar that you're hearing nary a peep from them now? The racism is exposed in the video, between the 12:00 and 14:00 marks.
I bet many thought eugenics died with Nazi Germany, right? Guess again! It's alive and well, especially within progressive circles. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, corresponded frequently with Nazi doctors in the 1930s. She even hobnobbed with the Ku Klux Klan - see here. As you read that link, please consider ordering a copy of the Maafa21 video. It is quite eye-opening to read the unmistakable links between abortion and the eugenics movement.
The video is an hour long. I think it will be well worth your time. Also pay close attention in the beginning as it chides current Americans for being more concerned about "sports and celebrity gossip" than about the affairs of their country and fellow citizens. If that describes you, dear readers, please get down on your knees and repent of that sin. Then wake up and combat this mess. You might start by joining a prayer effort in front of your local abortion death camp.
Leroy Carhart Encounters Truth Once Again
This moment of grace for Leroy Carhart happened less than two weeks ago, on January 18th. The Carharts and Monica Miller shared a plane ride. Read what happened in Monica's own words.
This is not the first encounter he's had with the truth. He has been confronted several times at the Germantown abortuary where he murders babies not ten miles from my home. We must pray for his conversion, as well as those of all the others involved in that horrid crime. As things stand now, their eternal fates look very bleak. Pray for the grace of repentance and conversion. He could be the next Bernard Nathanson.
This is not the first encounter he's had with the truth. He has been confronted several times at the Germantown abortuary where he murders babies not ten miles from my home. We must pray for his conversion, as well as those of all the others involved in that horrid crime. As things stand now, their eternal fates look very bleak. Pray for the grace of repentance and conversion. He could be the next Bernard Nathanson.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
The Coming Demographic Winter
As most of us endure this frigid weather with chattering teeth, we are treated to yet another whopper by Al Gore. You see, he's still on a crusade to put forth the hoax forestall the horror of GLOBAL WARMING!! Personally I think we could use a little of that "global warming" but once again I digress!
Comes now Al Gore's "contribution" in his crusade against this imaginary peril - "FERTILITY MANAGEMENT"! Why can't they be honest and call it "fertility eradication"?? Whoops! I forgot! That would be admitting to an "inconvenient truth".
We have known for some time now that the so-called push to control "global warming" is a thinly-disguised pretext at "population control" or more accurately, population reduction. Several years ago, Michael Voris did an expose on the "climate change" movement, of which Al Gore is a big cheerleader (and profiteer). I post the video below; it's a long watch but well worth the investment in time.
Of course two ways to "manage fertility" are contraception and abortion. Forty years of this have wrecked havoc upon Europe, and the American continents are headed down the same primrose path. Voris did another program on this an hour ago. When that video is up I'll post that too. So not only are we enduring a bit of extreme winter weather, but we will suffer through the even greater danger of a demographic winter. We must pray and wake up.
Comes now Al Gore's "contribution" in his crusade against this imaginary peril - "FERTILITY MANAGEMENT"! Why can't they be honest and call it "fertility eradication"?? Whoops! I forgot! That would be admitting to an "inconvenient truth".
We have known for some time now that the so-called push to control "global warming" is a thinly-disguised pretext at "population control" or more accurately, population reduction. Several years ago, Michael Voris did an expose on the "climate change" movement, of which Al Gore is a big cheerleader (and profiteer). I post the video below; it's a long watch but well worth the investment in time.
Of course two ways to "manage fertility" are contraception and abortion. Forty years of this have wrecked havoc upon Europe, and the American continents are headed down the same primrose path. Voris did another program on this an hour ago. When that video is up I'll post that too. So not only are we enduring a bit of extreme winter weather, but we will suffer through the even greater danger of a demographic winter. We must pray and wake up.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Pray For Hans Kung - He Is In Mortal Danger
Hans Kung, wildly dissident theologian who has paved the way for so much spiritual chaos in the Church, is in grave danger. The 85-year old has Parkinson's - and is considering assisted suicide. If he does so, he not only will end his own earthly life, but may well seal his own eternal damnation. By far the latter is the greater peril.
Some may hope his Parkinson's reduces his culpability. I would entertain no such hope. Consider that the man has been both priest and theologian all his life. He is well-acquainted with the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Teaching Magisterium of the Church. He may not assent to the truth, but he knows what the Church teaches. Moreover, he is aware of any Catholic's solemn obligation to adhere to the Church's teachings.
In making these reckless statements, Kung puts forth a putrid example to those who are confused and doubtful of Jesus Christ. If he follows through with his reckless ambition, he will bring spiritual danger to at least one other person. "Assisted suicide" is murder; he will seek someone to murder him. That willing accomplice will jeopardize his/her own immortal soul by committing the capital sin of murder.
Let us pray that Kung repents of his hideous plan and his dissidence in general. He doesn't have much time.
Some may hope his Parkinson's reduces his culpability. I would entertain no such hope. Consider that the man has been both priest and theologian all his life. He is well-acquainted with the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Teaching Magisterium of the Church. He may not assent to the truth, but he knows what the Church teaches. Moreover, he is aware of any Catholic's solemn obligation to adhere to the Church's teachings.
In making these reckless statements, Kung puts forth a putrid example to those who are confused and doubtful of Jesus Christ. If he follows through with his reckless ambition, he will bring spiritual danger to at least one other person. "Assisted suicide" is murder; he will seek someone to murder him. That willing accomplice will jeopardize his/her own immortal soul by committing the capital sin of murder.
Let us pray that Kung repents of his hideous plan and his dissidence in general. He doesn't have much time.
Evangelism Begins With Knowledge Not Feelings
In today's Vortex, Michael Voris sums up his past several videos and some of the reactions to them. I do believe his account for I have heard some similar kvetching. In this video he features some well-grounded young Catholics; listening to these young people gives me a glimmer of hope for our Church.
Tomorrow Voris will give more detailed analysis in his Mic'd Up program starting at 8:00pm est. Click on the link to listen; I'm certain a youtube will be available later.
Tomorrow Voris will give more detailed analysis in his Mic'd Up program starting at 8:00pm est. Click on the link to listen; I'm certain a youtube will be available later.
Monday, January 27, 2014
The Poisonous Filter Of Feelings
Michael Voris asked yet another question of young March for Life attendees: "Do you think the Catholic church is superior to all other religions?" 50% answered no; some of them gave an all-too-common reason for their answer; they were afraid of hurting the feelings of another. Here is the video, but when you're finished watching it please scroll below it to see additional comments.
Towards the end, Voris challenged the Catholic youth to grow up and to be heroes. Truth be told, I perceived a tad too much rebuke in his tone, rebuke that is out of proportion with their culpability. Perhaps that would have been more appropriately directed at their parents and/or other mentors who should have been giving solid teaching and guidance to the kids during their formative years. For those who have recalcitrant parents and/or teachers, "growing up" can be quite a trick. Would that Voris had suggested some real assistance to them. Here's where I might fill in the gap. First, they're going to have to do some reading and studying on their own. A few suggested reading materials are below.
Towards the end, Voris challenged the Catholic youth to grow up and to be heroes. Truth be told, I perceived a tad too much rebuke in his tone, rebuke that is out of proportion with their culpability. Perhaps that would have been more appropriately directed at their parents and/or other mentors who should have been giving solid teaching and guidance to the kids during their formative years. For those who have recalcitrant parents and/or teachers, "growing up" can be quite a trick. Would that Voris had suggested some real assistance to them. Here's where I might fill in the gap. First, they're going to have to do some reading and studying on their own. A few suggested reading materials are below.
- This Is The Faith: A Complete Explanation Of The Catholic Faith by Canon Francis Ripley. This is excellent; I cannot praise it enough. TAN Books publishes it, but it is also available on Amazon.
- Any of the audio cassette series by Servant of God Father John Hardon, available from They're available in MP3 format as well. I'd suggest starting with "Profession of Roman Catholic Faith", "The Ten Commandments" and "The Sacraments"
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Why Non-Catholics Are Not Permitted To Receive Holy Communion
As Father says, most appreciate an honest, complete answer.
Baby Munoz's Execution Has Begun
Last Friday, in Fort Worth Texas, a judge ordered John Peter Smith Hospital to disconnect the life support from Marlise Munoz who was declared brain-dead. She is 22 weeks pregnant with her second child. Her husband and various doctors had been fighting for discontinuance of life support.
Operation Rescue and others had encouraged demonstrations at the hospital and that the hospital CEO be contacted to encourage the hospital to appeal this ruling. I have just received word that at 11:30 am today the life support was disconnected. By now I fear it's too late to save the child.
So now he/she has died, much in the manner of Terri Schiavo nine years ago. While I realize the husband is mourning the loss of his wife, I cannot fathom how he would not have wanted their child to live. The judge's ruling was bizarre, even from a so-called "pro-choice" position. He based his ruling on the premise, "she could have chosen to abort". Most abortions happen at or earlier than 12 weeks. Had Marlise been so inclined, she most likely would have done so much earlier. All indications were that she wanted to give birth. I say this not because the baby's worth is predicated on someone's "choice" but to make plain that the judge's ruling reflects the callousness and disregard for life. In short, those who engage in such disregard are starting to shed the "pro-choice" schtick and let it be known that they're "pro-abortion."
Now the question is, "when will the people in the church pews wake up and act to stop this cultural/moral degradation?"
Operation Rescue and others had encouraged demonstrations at the hospital and that the hospital CEO be contacted to encourage the hospital to appeal this ruling. I have just received word that at 11:30 am today the life support was disconnected. By now I fear it's too late to save the child.
So now he/she has died, much in the manner of Terri Schiavo nine years ago. While I realize the husband is mourning the loss of his wife, I cannot fathom how he would not have wanted their child to live. The judge's ruling was bizarre, even from a so-called "pro-choice" position. He based his ruling on the premise, "she could have chosen to abort". Most abortions happen at or earlier than 12 weeks. Had Marlise been so inclined, she most likely would have done so much earlier. All indications were that she wanted to give birth. I say this not because the baby's worth is predicated on someone's "choice" but to make plain that the judge's ruling reflects the callousness and disregard for life. In short, those who engage in such disregard are starting to shed the "pro-choice" schtick and let it be known that they're "pro-abortion."
Now the question is, "when will the people in the church pews wake up and act to stop this cultural/moral degradation?"
Proud Fetus Slayer
This was a demonstration against the San Francisco Walk for Life. Notice the pro-abortion person in the center of the picture, with the hand-written sign. I suppose they're being honest. I pray they lose the arrogance before they're called to Judgment.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Spiritual Slaughter Of Pro-Life Youth
Yesterday and the day before, I posted Vortex videos showing why all is not well with the so-called "future of the pro-life movement" and why the blame for that dismal state of affairs lies squarely on the shoulders of those whom God entrusted to educate and form those young people. All too many have responded with resentment at having their rose-colored glasses yanked from their faces. What Voris relates in today's Vortex largely echoes some discussions (mostly on Facebook) in which I've been involved.
Michael Voris is very correct when he says that the acceptance of contraception and gay practices within the pro-life movement indicates that the Culture of Death has been embraced by those pro-lifers. Not only do they risk undermining their pro-life work, but they risk damnation of their own souls to hell. If that's true for these young people, how much more so for those who should have mentored them properly?
Michael Voris is very correct when he says that the acceptance of contraception and gay practices within the pro-life movement indicates that the Culture of Death has been embraced by those pro-lifers. Not only do they risk undermining their pro-life work, but they risk damnation of their own souls to hell. If that's true for these young people, how much more so for those who should have mentored them properly?
Common Core - Infesting And Corroding ADW Schools
As this Defend Life article states (see page 6), Common Core is a project to "standardize educational expectations across state lines". Educational expectations! Just whose "educational expectations", we might ask? Well, we can follow the money and there's lots of it! The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (funders of many anti-life and progressive organizations) have ponied up $150 million dollars towards molding young minds into what they consider to be "college-and-workplace ready". In other words, they're being trained to be little robots. I've written before on Common Core; no need to rehash, see this link for the posts.
My friend and Catholic Media Coalition colleague, Stephanie Block, has written a piece on why the brains behind Common Core are trying to insinuate this program into Catholic education. In summary, they wish to abolish the knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ and His Church with a progressive, atheistic mindset. One would hope that our bishops would do their utmost to keep Common Core away from the children in their charge. Ah, but big bucks are being waved under their noses, and the aroma of dollar bills is too great a temptation for them to resist. They (as a whole) are proving to be all too weak. Case in point - the Archdiocese of Washington!
Here is the Sept 2013 issue of The Messenger from Archdiocese of Washington Catholic Schools. While this statement seems to deny total acceptance of Common Core, there is admission to its benefits. Moreover, this statement says nothing about Common Core's purpose of collecting persona data and of instilling a passive, compliant mindset in students towards government. I for one find that troubling. The Archdiocese does seem to be flirting with Common Core. Again, there is Gates money to be had.
The Archdiocese is admitting that they have let the camel's nose enter under their tent. Why, oh why, do I suspect there will be more embrace of Common Core?
My friend and Catholic Media Coalition colleague, Stephanie Block, has written a piece on why the brains behind Common Core are trying to insinuate this program into Catholic education. In summary, they wish to abolish the knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ and His Church with a progressive, atheistic mindset. One would hope that our bishops would do their utmost to keep Common Core away from the children in their charge. Ah, but big bucks are being waved under their noses, and the aroma of dollar bills is too great a temptation for them to resist. They (as a whole) are proving to be all too weak. Case in point - the Archdiocese of Washington!
Here is the Sept 2013 issue of The Messenger from Archdiocese of Washington Catholic Schools. While this statement seems to deny total acceptance of Common Core, there is admission to its benefits. Moreover, this statement says nothing about Common Core's purpose of collecting persona data and of instilling a passive, compliant mindset in students towards government. I for one find that troubling. The Archdiocese does seem to be flirting with Common Core. Again, there is Gates money to be had.
The Archdiocese is admitting that they have let the camel's nose enter under their tent. Why, oh why, do I suspect there will be more embrace of Common Core?
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Some Pro-Life Youth Approve Of Homosexual Sin??
As I alluded in yesterday's post, this video below tells an even sorrier tale. A goodly percentage of young people who participated in yesterday's March for Life now see nothing wrong with homosexual perversion. (That can be gleaned from the affirmative answers given by 20% of those interviewed.) In truth, not only is it perversion, but mortal sin that can damn a soul to hell for all eternity.
Again, this goes back to a gross dereliction of duty on the part of their parents and other mentors. Why have they been so poorly taught? No doubt many of these young people attend(ed) public high school. Did their parents think to monitor the input coming from those progressive brain-washing dungeons? By the way - with so many Catholic schools taking public money and assimilating Common Core ideas, they are not much better, if at all.
Voris makes plain that 90% of those interviewed identified themselves as Catholic. Yet these Catholic view have obviously not been taught the contents and meaning of the encyclical Humanae Vitae.
To all parents, priests, teachers, youth group leaders: YOU are answerable for the young people in your care. If you recognize any of your charges among those who answered Voris in the affirmative, please be quaking in your boots for your own souls may be in danger. Forget all the "positive happy-clappy" fluff and teach them the truths they need, not only to be effective pro-lifers but for their own eternal salvation. Time is short. Please delay no longer.
Again, this goes back to a gross dereliction of duty on the part of their parents and other mentors. Why have they been so poorly taught? No doubt many of these young people attend(ed) public high school. Did their parents think to monitor the input coming from those progressive brain-washing dungeons? By the way - with so many Catholic schools taking public money and assimilating Common Core ideas, they are not much better, if at all.
Voris makes plain that 90% of those interviewed identified themselves as Catholic. Yet these Catholic view have obviously not been taught the contents and meaning of the encyclical Humanae Vitae.
To all parents, priests, teachers, youth group leaders: YOU are answerable for the young people in your care. If you recognize any of your charges among those who answered Voris in the affirmative, please be quaking in your boots for your own souls may be in danger. Forget all the "positive happy-clappy" fluff and teach them the truths they need, not only to be effective pro-lifers but for their own eternal salvation. Time is short. Please delay no longer.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Even At March For Life, Contraception Is Accepted
Michael Voris attended the March for Life and some of the pro-life gatherings in the past few days. He interviewed a number of young people at the Capital Hyatt in Washington. Just prior to the march, it is filled with pro-life people. I believe one of the major pro-life groups has a convention there. At any rate, Voris interviewed a number of the pro-life youth in attendance and obtained some very disturbing replies. Ladies and gentlemen, please watch the video, then see my comments below it.
There are those who say that these young people point to a shining promise for the pro-life movement. I beg to differ. The acceptance of the moral evil of contraception in so many points to a dismal prospect for the pro-life movement. If the truth of contraception is not taught RIGHT NOW in an unambiguous, complete and forthright manner, the pro-life movement will implode upon itself. For the sad status of these young people, they are most likely not to blame. Rather it is their parents, priests, teachers, youth-group leaders who will have to answer for their souls.
When is the last time you heard a homily at Sunday Mass stating the truth about contraception in a bold, non-nuanced fashion? It's been a while for me, too. Oh, we might hear about abortion (maybe 2-3 times a year), but nary a word is spoken about the mortal sin of contraception usage. I understand such silence is ordered by the bishops. Pray that God soften their hearts.
Perhaps a little history is in order, particularly for those who think prohibition of contraception is strictly a Catholic anomaly. Until 1929, all the Christian denominations understood that the usage of contraception was a heinous evil. Then came the 1930 Lambeth Conference of the Anglican (Episcopalian, in U.S.) Church when the usage of contraception was permitted "in limited circumstances". That was enough for the elephant to stick its nose under the tent.
Many people and institutions saw the danger. In the early part of the twentieth century, sanity reigned much more than it does now. Read these words: "Carried to its logical conclusion, the committee’s report if carried into effect would sound the death-knell of marriage as a holy institution, by establishing degrading practices which would encourage indiscriminate immorality." Guess what right-wing religious zealot wrote that? None! That's from (sit down!) the Washington Post, in an editorial in their March 22, 1931 edition. My, how that newspaper has deteriorated, but I digress.
In 1968, Pope Paul VI released the encyclical Humanae Vitae. Written over 40 years ago, many of the evils about which the Holy Father warned did not exist. They do now. His warning went unheeded; now we have to have Marches for Life and fight gay encroachment. Even more sadder is the fact that so many souls are going to hell. It was Our Lady of Fatima herself who stated that most of the souls who go to hell do so because of sins of the flesh. Contraception encourages such sin - and damnation.
Read this article from Business Insider. Although it's two years old, it's still relevant. Why, oh why, do our Catholic parents and clergy hesitate when it comes to teaching young people (and old) the truth about contraception? Too many souls are at stake - including those of the young people who answered Voris in the negative.
PS - I look to tomorrow's "homosexuality" segment with some trepidation.
There are those who say that these young people point to a shining promise for the pro-life movement. I beg to differ. The acceptance of the moral evil of contraception in so many points to a dismal prospect for the pro-life movement. If the truth of contraception is not taught RIGHT NOW in an unambiguous, complete and forthright manner, the pro-life movement will implode upon itself. For the sad status of these young people, they are most likely not to blame. Rather it is their parents, priests, teachers, youth-group leaders who will have to answer for their souls.
When is the last time you heard a homily at Sunday Mass stating the truth about contraception in a bold, non-nuanced fashion? It's been a while for me, too. Oh, we might hear about abortion (maybe 2-3 times a year), but nary a word is spoken about the mortal sin of contraception usage. I understand such silence is ordered by the bishops. Pray that God soften their hearts.
Perhaps a little history is in order, particularly for those who think prohibition of contraception is strictly a Catholic anomaly. Until 1929, all the Christian denominations understood that the usage of contraception was a heinous evil. Then came the 1930 Lambeth Conference of the Anglican (Episcopalian, in U.S.) Church when the usage of contraception was permitted "in limited circumstances". That was enough for the elephant to stick its nose under the tent.
Many people and institutions saw the danger. In the early part of the twentieth century, sanity reigned much more than it does now. Read these words: "Carried to its logical conclusion, the committee’s report if carried into effect would sound the death-knell of marriage as a holy institution, by establishing degrading practices which would encourage indiscriminate immorality." Guess what right-wing religious zealot wrote that? None! That's from (sit down!) the Washington Post, in an editorial in their March 22, 1931 edition. My, how that newspaper has deteriorated, but I digress.
In 1968, Pope Paul VI released the encyclical Humanae Vitae. Written over 40 years ago, many of the evils about which the Holy Father warned did not exist. They do now. His warning went unheeded; now we have to have Marches for Life and fight gay encroachment. Even more sadder is the fact that so many souls are going to hell. It was Our Lady of Fatima herself who stated that most of the souls who go to hell do so because of sins of the flesh. Contraception encourages such sin - and damnation.
Read this article from Business Insider. Although it's two years old, it's still relevant. Why, oh why, do our Catholic parents and clergy hesitate when it comes to teaching young people (and old) the truth about contraception? Too many souls are at stake - including those of the young people who answered Voris in the negative.
PS - I look to tomorrow's "homosexuality" segment with some trepidation.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Georgetown University Hosting Pro-Abortion Eleanor Holmes Norton
Just a week after she accused Republicans of waging a "new war on women" for efforts to restrict abortion, Eleanor Holmes Norton is to be honored by Georgetown University. She is to participate in a panel discussion during a week-long program that ostensibly honors Martin Luther King, Jr. She is DC's non-voting Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives. She's also been endorsed by Emily's List, a pac that funds only female pro-abortion candidates.
This week, with the March for Life going on, many bishops will wax lyrical about their desire to protect unborn children. For too many of them, that will be the only thing they utter all year with respect to abortion. We call upon our local bishop, Cardinal Wuerl, to strip Georgetown University of its designation as Catholic educational institution, for Georgetown has abandoned its Catholic soul many years ago.
HT - LifeSiteNews
This week, with the March for Life going on, many bishops will wax lyrical about their desire to protect unborn children. For too many of them, that will be the only thing they utter all year with respect to abortion. We call upon our local bishop, Cardinal Wuerl, to strip Georgetown University of its designation as Catholic educational institution, for Georgetown has abandoned its Catholic soul many years ago.
HT - LifeSiteNews
Wendy Davis' Sad Tale Of Woe - Pack Of Lies
Wendy Davis, the Texas state pol who won notoriety for her filibuster against Texas pro-life legislation last summer (legislation that ultimately became Texas law, by the grace of God) is running for governor. Something tells me she has her sights set on Washington, but I digress.
No doubt she realizes that her pro-abortion stances don't sit very well with many Texans. Thus she apparently spun some whoppers of yarn about a mythical hard-scrabble past life. No doubt this was done to engender some emotional appeal and admiration that "she triumphed over the odds stacked against her". She tried to portray herself as a single teen-age mother. Having stated that she was divorced at age 19, she was forced to admit that her real age was 21. Ooops!
Then she divorced husband number 2: right after he made her last student loan payment; when I said "right after", I meant the following day after the payment. Of course that's just a coincidence (ahem!). He accused her of adultery during that drama. His accusation must have been deemed credible for he was awarded custody of their two daughters. She didn't appear too distressed, saying, "I think you’re right; you’ll make a good, nurturing father. While I’ve been a good mother, it’s not a good time for me right now." While she may have been correct in her assessment about what was good for the children, it certainly seems that a maternal instinct was lacking. Perhaps that lack of natural maternal instinct is a factor in her support of baby-murder.
Here's a succinct account of all the known lies.
When confronted with these details, she admitted that her "language should have been tighter." Tighter?? How about "honest"? Since she's now been proven to be a brazen liar regarding her own history, can any reasonable Texan deem her honest enough to assume reins of power in Texas? I should hope not!
No doubt she realizes that her pro-abortion stances don't sit very well with many Texans. Thus she apparently spun some whoppers of yarn about a mythical hard-scrabble past life. No doubt this was done to engender some emotional appeal and admiration that "she triumphed over the odds stacked against her". She tried to portray herself as a single teen-age mother. Having stated that she was divorced at age 19, she was forced to admit that her real age was 21. Ooops!
Then she divorced husband number 2: right after he made her last student loan payment; when I said "right after", I meant the following day after the payment. Of course that's just a coincidence (ahem!). He accused her of adultery during that drama. His accusation must have been deemed credible for he was awarded custody of their two daughters. She didn't appear too distressed, saying, "I think you’re right; you’ll make a good, nurturing father. While I’ve been a good mother, it’s not a good time for me right now." While she may have been correct in her assessment about what was good for the children, it certainly seems that a maternal instinct was lacking. Perhaps that lack of natural maternal instinct is a factor in her support of baby-murder.
Here's a succinct account of all the known lies.
When confronted with these details, she admitted that her "language should have been tighter." Tighter?? How about "honest"? Since she's now been proven to be a brazen liar regarding her own history, can any reasonable Texan deem her honest enough to assume reins of power in Texas? I should hope not!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Andrew Cuomo: Pro-Life People Are Personae Non Gratae In New York
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has publicly vented his animosity - rather, hatred - of pro-life people in New York last Friday at a press conference. The exact quote is "Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."
Some questions for Dandy-Andy:
Some questions for Dandy-Andy:
- Who or what gives you the right to determine "who New Yorkers are"?
- Are you trying so hard to be presidential material that you believe you have to outdo Obama in sheer arrogance? If so, you're off to a good start! Keep making an ass of yourself, by all means!
The real questions are reserved for Cardinal Dolan:
- Do you plan to respond to this or will your usual cowardice rule the day as you pretend this slap in the face never occurred?
- Andrew Cuomo is your spiritual son. Obviously your polite little relationship with him is doing his soul not one bit of good. In fact, your stance towards him seems to be lulling him into a dangerous complacency as evidence by his arrogant dismissal of good people. When will you stop fearing his political power and start fearing for his soul?
- The Catholics whom the governor just insulted are also your spiritual children. How will you help remedy this slap in their face proffered by Cuomo?
- Will you - at long last - deny Holy Communion to Cuomo and to his live-in concubine? This action is long overdue. The more you demure in this regard, the greater the peril for Cuomo and the scandal for New York Catholics.
Last May, Judie Brown of American Life League penned an article called "Cardinal Dolan's Mess". It's well worth another review, as the mess just got a lot messier. Regrettably Cardinal Dolan shows no intention of cleaning it up as only he can.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Isn't The Obama Regime Such A Cruel Tease?
If, after viewing the advertising trash masterpiece from yesterday, you're just chomping at the bit to sign up for Obamacare, alas, disappointment still abounds! You see, the website still isn't working (surprise!) - and they can't give an estimated time of completion (Well whaddya know??). But we do know it will require more money - our money, of course.
Having sunk millions into this, we can believe that it will cost just a few million more dollars - again, our tax dollars. Now a few million more, compared with the deficit going into the trillions of dollars, might seem paltry to the demagogues who skulk about Washington DC. But to the rest of us mere peasants in "fly-over" country, that's more than just a tad inconvenient. Some of us were hoping to spend that money on trivialities such as food, clothing, housing, etc.
However, I suppose it must be done. After all, don't we just need Obamacare? How else will we become so healthy that we'll fall to the floor and wiggle and writhe like snakes in their death agonies, just like Richard Simmons and the other spastic obamacare-phile?
But wait we must wait and wait, it seems! That is, we must wait until (and if) grown-ups are finally elected into office who will have the brains and guts to repeal Obamacare in its entirety.
Having sunk millions into this, we can believe that it will cost just a few million more dollars - again, our tax dollars. Now a few million more, compared with the deficit going into the trillions of dollars, might seem paltry to the demagogues who skulk about Washington DC. But to the rest of us mere peasants in "fly-over" country, that's more than just a tad inconvenient. Some of us were hoping to spend that money on trivialities such as food, clothing, housing, etc.
However, I suppose it must be done. After all, don't we just need Obamacare? How else will we become so healthy that we'll fall to the floor and wiggle and writhe like snakes in their death agonies, just like Richard Simmons and the other spastic obamacare-phile?
But wait we must wait and wait, it seems! That is, we must wait until (and if) grown-ups are finally elected into office who will have the brains and guts to repeal Obamacare in its entirety.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Obamacare Enrollments Ready To Take Off!
Right into the crapper, that is! The below video is a sorry excuse for promotion, but that's what progressives think will lure people into signing their lives away. So they've screwed up the website and they're obviously botching the marketing. In light of these two louse-ups, don't you just cringe at the thought of them actually handling your health care???
So here's what they call "marketing". I'd call it "farcical" if they weren't serious.
So here's what they call "marketing". I'd call it "farcical" if they weren't serious.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Father Frank Pavone Finally Vindicated
I've written before on the situation regarding Father Frank Pavone, director of Priests for Life and Bishop Zurek of Amarillo, TX. Over two years later, we have received news (see here and here) that Father Pavone is at last vindicated. Deo Gratias!
Praying And Fighting For The Church
Fellow faithful Catholics, please listen closely to today's Vortex. Pay close attention to what Voris says starting at the 4:59 mark. We must fight for the truth and "we cannot give a hoot about who's offended".
Now buckle your seat belts, boys and girls, have smelling salts at the ready and take deep breaths for I'll now say some things that could be considered controversial. It's no secret that some things that have issued forth from the Vatican have been, well, baffling, to say the least. Are we willing to say so - respectfully yet without equivocation? Closer to home, when we hear left-wing nonsense being promulgated from the pulpit instead of a real homily, are we willing to take issue with the priest afterwards? And by the way - this should be done publicly, not privately. That's right! Matthew 18:15-17 deals with private matters, not public offenses. Public offenses demand public responses.
We must pray to Our Lord to be made saints. It is absolutely necessary, but never is it sufficient. Often the being is found in the doing. Ora et labora!
Now buckle your seat belts, boys and girls, have smelling salts at the ready and take deep breaths for I'll now say some things that could be considered controversial. It's no secret that some things that have issued forth from the Vatican have been, well, baffling, to say the least. Are we willing to say so - respectfully yet without equivocation? Closer to home, when we hear left-wing nonsense being promulgated from the pulpit instead of a real homily, are we willing to take issue with the priest afterwards? And by the way - this should be done publicly, not privately. That's right! Matthew 18:15-17 deals with private matters, not public offenses. Public offenses demand public responses.
We must pray to Our Lord to be made saints. It is absolutely necessary, but never is it sufficient. Often the being is found in the doing. Ora et labora!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Sodomy In The Catholic Church
Oh, yes. No one can doubt that - not even the progressives, if they're honest. They love to hoot and holler about the clergy sex abuse scandals. Most of them, however, gloss over one glaring detail. Most of the victims have been post-pubescent boys. That means the perpetrators have been sodomite priests. Let's not pussy-foot the language here.
In today's Vortex, Michael Voris takes on this issue. At about the 2:26 mark he mentions the New Ways Ministry as being a cesspool of the gay poison in the Church. It is, AND it is headquartered within the Archdiocese of Washington - Mount Rainier, MD to be precise. Pray that our bishops heed these words from the Vortex.
In today's Vortex, Michael Voris takes on this issue. At about the 2:26 mark he mentions the New Ways Ministry as being a cesspool of the gay poison in the Church. It is, AND it is headquartered within the Archdiocese of Washington - Mount Rainier, MD to be precise. Pray that our bishops heed these words from the Vortex.
Indifferentism Poisoning DC And Boston Chanceries
In both the Tenth Crusade and Rorate Caeli we read that Boston's Cardinal O'Malley reaffirmed his baptism under the dubious "ministry" of a Methodist named Anne Robertson. As the Tenth Crusade points out, Roberson is pro-abortion. But even if she advocated traditional morality, this ceremony was still scandalous on its face. Since when does a Prince of the Church accept faux-ministry from a Protestant as though it were equivalent to ministry from a Catholic priest?
What is at play here is the heresy of indifferentism - the false belief that all religions are equivalent on God's eyes. We of the Archdiocese of Washington are no strangers to such slop as it oozes from our own chancery - and has been for quite a while now.
For instance, who can forget the debacle of September 2005 when Cardinal McCarrick gave an "ecumenical" address to the King of Jordan and other Muslim persons at the Catholic University of America? I originally published the text of his remarks on my earlier website and do so now. In his very first sentence, he said that he "invoked allah, the compassionate and merciful lord of all the world". He went on to invoke "allah" two more times. Guess how many times he mentioned the words "Jesus Christ"? That's right! Zilch! Zip! Nada! Does it not make you wonder just whose bishop he is?
Cardinal O'Malley, a member of the Pope's advisory Council of Cardinals, reportedly is in close contact with the Holy Father. Did this episode come to Pope Francis' knowledge? Why, when he holds such a position of responsibility, would Cdl O'Malley engage in actions that any reasonable person would see as scandalous? Is he taking cues from the Vatican? Recall that it was Pope Francis who himself broke Canon Law on Holy Thursday when he washed a woman's feet. We look askance upon all this. While Our Lord promised that the gates of hell would never prevail against us, He never promised us a cake walk. We may well have opponents within the highest ranks of the Vatican.
What is at play here is the heresy of indifferentism - the false belief that all religions are equivalent on God's eyes. We of the Archdiocese of Washington are no strangers to such slop as it oozes from our own chancery - and has been for quite a while now.
For instance, who can forget the debacle of September 2005 when Cardinal McCarrick gave an "ecumenical" address to the King of Jordan and other Muslim persons at the Catholic University of America? I originally published the text of his remarks on my earlier website and do so now. In his very first sentence, he said that he "invoked allah, the compassionate and merciful lord of all the world". He went on to invoke "allah" two more times. Guess how many times he mentioned the words "Jesus Christ"? That's right! Zilch! Zip! Nada! Does it not make you wonder just whose bishop he is?
Cardinal O'Malley, a member of the Pope's advisory Council of Cardinals, reportedly is in close contact with the Holy Father. Did this episode come to Pope Francis' knowledge? Why, when he holds such a position of responsibility, would Cdl O'Malley engage in actions that any reasonable person would see as scandalous? Is he taking cues from the Vatican? Recall that it was Pope Francis who himself broke Canon Law on Holy Thursday when he washed a woman's feet. We look askance upon all this. While Our Lord promised that the gates of hell would never prevail against us, He never promised us a cake walk. We may well have opponents within the highest ranks of the Vatican.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
McCullen V Coakley - Critical Bubble Zone Case
The United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in the above-named case beginning tomorrow. This case, originating in Boston, deals directly with bubble zones and the First Amendment rights of sidewalk counselors as we seek to offer help to abortion-minded women. Read here and here. Do Eleanor McCullen and Mary O'Donnell, the two sidewalk counselors, look menacing? They're in their late 70s and early 80s. But they are praying and offering real assistance to women. So I suppose they are threats - to the bottom lines of the Planned Parenthood abortuary.
Please pray for a just ruling in this case - not only for the First Amendment rights of the sidewalk counselors, but so that we aren't further impeded from offering help to moms and their babies.
Please pray for a just ruling in this case - not only for the First Amendment rights of the sidewalk counselors, but so that we aren't further impeded from offering help to moms and their babies.
Gay Clergy = Moral Cesspool = Souls Going To Hell
Michael Voris comments on a party where gay priests brought their "boyfriends" (i.e., accomplices in the mortal sin of sodomy) to a Christmas party. What a way to blaspheme that Holy Day! They will have to account for much, and for them - unless they repent and make good Confessions - their outcome is looking mighty dubious. Pray for them and all those scandalized by them.
Yet Another From The "Your Tax Dollars Hard(ly) At Work" Department
From Planned Parenthood, the producers of these pieces of spectacular trash (see and, comes yet more mindless garbage to waste your tax dollars and corrupt the minds and morals of our young people.
Feast your eyes!
Aren't they cute? Nope! These are models of micro-organisms that are at the root of sexually transmitted diseases. Planned Parenthood is portraying deadly diseases as lovable little fuzz-balls. But that's just part of the plan - to portray all sorts of spiritual and physical dangers as something trivial and even harmless, so as to lure the youth into lifestyles that will lead to both physical and eternal peril.
Yet another waste of our hard-earned dollars.
Feast your eyes!
Aren't they cute? Nope! These are models of micro-organisms that are at the root of sexually transmitted diseases. Planned Parenthood is portraying deadly diseases as lovable little fuzz-balls. But that's just part of the plan - to portray all sorts of spiritual and physical dangers as something trivial and even harmless, so as to lure the youth into lifestyles that will lead to both physical and eternal peril.
Yet another waste of our hard-earned dollars.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Vortex Scolds Bishops For Turning Their Backs On Phil Robertson
I've got to hand it to Phil Robertson and the rest of his Duck Dynasty family for adhering to Christian moral principles and proclaiming them boldly. I too am ashamed of most of our Catholic bishops for not doing likewise. They couldn't even muster up the zeal to stand publicly beside this good man. Shame on them!
IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: Fellow residents of the Archdiocese of Washington, remember two Lents ago, when Father Marcel Guarnizo actually was treated far worse than Roberson was. They only ignored Robertson. Father Guarnizo was actually punished for standing up for Godly morality. Never forget that!
IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: Fellow residents of the Archdiocese of Washington, remember two Lents ago, when Father Marcel Guarnizo actually was treated far worse than Roberson was. They only ignored Robertson. Father Guarnizo was actually punished for standing up for Godly morality. Never forget that!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
TV = Toxic Veg-Out
Most left-wing bumper strips on cars are absolute nonsense - but not all of them. Here are a few that do contain some grains of intelligence:
Comes now a study, as reported by England's Daily Mail, that concludes that the watching of too much TV can actually deform a child's developing brain in ways that will stunt verbal intelligence. Consider how this is coupled with the deliberate attempt by public education higher-ups to stupify the future adults. (Google the words "public education dumbing down" for some eye-openers.) That these two things are taking place is not a coincidence.
Take charge of what goes on in your own home and with your children. Toss out the Electronic Deity (or at least confiscate its power cord). Consider home-schooling. You can do it.
- If you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention.
- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
- First kill your television.
Let's look at that last one. There is no doubt that the television has become the de facto Electronic Deity. I understand that the average person watches four hours of the Idiot Box every day. What a waste - in more ways than one.
I never watched that much Boob Tube. However, when I cut it out completely over twenty years ago, I quickly noticed renewed clarity in my own thinking processes. It wasn't just the removal of the slop and drivel that oozed copiously from that thing. Exposure to too much TV, even if it's exclusively EWTN, will have detrimental effects on the human brain.
I recommend to the reading of all a book by Neil Postman called Amusing Ourselves to Death. It's not an easy read, but well worth the time invested. It's an eye-opener, to be sure.
Comes now a study, as reported by England's Daily Mail, that concludes that the watching of too much TV can actually deform a child's developing brain in ways that will stunt verbal intelligence. Consider how this is coupled with the deliberate attempt by public education higher-ups to stupify the future adults. (Google the words "public education dumbing down" for some eye-openers.) That these two things are taking place is not a coincidence.
Take charge of what goes on in your own home and with your children. Toss out the Electronic Deity (or at least confiscate its power cord). Consider home-schooling. You can do it.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Some Expose On Global Warming
Today we actually saw temperatures rise above freezing. Some of us might appreciate a little "global warming" just about now. Bear that in mind as Stuart Shepard tells "the rest of the story".
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Fox News Conservatism - Caveat Emptor!
Before we review today's Vortex, I've noticed a while ago what Voris broaches in this broadcast. While Fox News may be better than some other outlets, but they too must be taken with grains of salt. For that matter, we must always examine all inputs with the filter of the teachings of the Church.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Some Slime In The Archdiocese Of Boston
"The long night of corruption in the Church is nowhere near at an end, folks. It has become institutionalized and YOU have to get mad about it!" That is how this Vortex ends - with a clarion call to arms to the Church Militant. That's us, folks! We're not the "church mellow", nor the "church mealy-mouth", nor the "church milque-toast", nor the "church mediocre". Got that? If we see scenarios like the one we'll see below, what will we DO about it?
Here is more on the situation, from Boston Catholic Insider.
Here is more on the situation, from Boston Catholic Insider.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Will Pope Francis Speak Out For Asia Bibi??
Asia Bibi is a Catholic woman in Pakistan. She has been imprisoned and is awaiting execution for "blasphemy". In other words, she made plain her Catholicism.
She wrote to Pope Francis to beg his assistance in saving her life. Recalling how previous pontiffs have pleaded for mercy when cold-blooded killers faced capital punishment, I find it hard to fathom how any Catholic leader can remain silent when a fellow Catholic is about to be murdered for being a Catholic. I pray that not all our Church leaders are completely cowed by the thug-creed known as Islam (although prominent American bishops are).
Let us pray that Pope Francis intercedes for this woman.
She wrote to Pope Francis to beg his assistance in saving her life. Recalling how previous pontiffs have pleaded for mercy when cold-blooded killers faced capital punishment, I find it hard to fathom how any Catholic leader can remain silent when a fellow Catholic is about to be murdered for being a Catholic. I pray that not all our Church leaders are completely cowed by the thug-creed known as Islam (although prominent American bishops are).
Let us pray that Pope Francis intercedes for this woman.
Common Core Branches Into Potty Training
Potty abuse might be more like it. In a Common Core dominated Chicago school, teachers are being instructed to sign their classes up for "restroom time slots" in which their students may use the facilities. We're talking kindergarten kids, mind you! These potty breaks should last five minutes only, and the teachers are urged to time the pee-times with stop-watches! Of course the kiddies are to be praised when they "meet expectations" (and if they don't?).
Recognizing that sometimes nature calls outside the scheduled times, each child will receive two rest-room passes per quarter. My! How generous! Seriously - have they forgotten that children's bladders are smaller than adult bladders and just can't "hold it" for long periods?
So why is all this being done? In their own illustrious words, "to maximize student learning and reduce the loss of instructional time". News flash! News flash! If a little child is struggling to control the urge, no "student learning" will be occurring! This is nothing more than sadistic child abuse.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. This is just one more reason why the nitwits running our governmental institutions need to have their wings clipped. They are completely devoid of any common sense whatsoever.
Speaking of the use of toilets, that's where Common Core belongs.
Recognizing that sometimes nature calls outside the scheduled times, each child will receive two rest-room passes per quarter. My! How generous! Seriously - have they forgotten that children's bladders are smaller than adult bladders and just can't "hold it" for long periods?
So why is all this being done? In their own illustrious words, "to maximize student learning and reduce the loss of instructional time". News flash! News flash! If a little child is struggling to control the urge, no "student learning" will be occurring! This is nothing more than sadistic child abuse.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. This is just one more reason why the nitwits running our governmental institutions need to have their wings clipped. They are completely devoid of any common sense whatsoever.
Speaking of the use of toilets, that's where Common Core belongs.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Vortex Weighs In On English Translations Of The Pope's Words
In today's Vortex, Michael Voris points out that Pope Francis does not speak English. Of course English is the predominant language of the Western world, especially in matters of commerce and economics. Pointing to a particular phrase of the Holy Father's concerning trickle-down economics, he shows how the change of one word completely alters the meaning of the papal text.
At 5:50 he states that "there's something fishy about how the Pope's words are being translated and mistranslated and blown out of proportion when other things he says are being overlooked, downplayed or just ignored." He points out that his enemies at the Vatican realize the Holy Father's problem with English and that they don't hesitate to put out deliberately skewed translations.
Of course there are those who will exploit the Pope's sloppily-presented words to their own ends. That's all the more reason for the Pope to retain translators who will faithfully and accurately translate his various documents, etc into the various languages before the progressive main-stream media get their paws and start warping them to their hearts' content. Yes there are indeed subversive elements at the Vatican. I do have trouble believing that the Holy Father knows and trusts no one who will offer the necessary translation skills to the Holy Father. For instance, is not Cardinal Burke still at the Vatican?
I cannot hold the Holy Father as being completely blameless here. It is he who must take proactive control of the message he wishes to communicate. If I were to utter something in a careless manner on this blog and many well-meaning people gleaned from my words a meaning I didn't intend, no doubt the blame for the misunderstanding would rest on my shoulders. It is the responsibility of the communicator to make his/her message sufficiently clear for a reasonable person to understand. It is not the sole responsibility of the audience to automatically understand the communicator's intent, particularly when the message is objectively garbled.
If Michael Voris and other good people see this problem, why not the Holy Father? Voris also asks "Just what good is the Holy See Press Office and the clerics there charged with getting proper English translations out to the world when they continue to let their buffoonery, inadequacy, incompetence and idiocy and perhaps even malice rule the day?" I don't think there's any "perhaps" about the malice. Recall that this same Press Office didn't let any such gaffes out their door during the previous two pontificates. I agree with Voris when he says that the Press Office must be cleaned out. Why does the pope dally and dither about reforming that communications office? At the end of the day, the buck stops at his desk.
At 5:50 he states that "there's something fishy about how the Pope's words are being translated and mistranslated and blown out of proportion when other things he says are being overlooked, downplayed or just ignored." He points out that his enemies at the Vatican realize the Holy Father's problem with English and that they don't hesitate to put out deliberately skewed translations.
Of course there are those who will exploit the Pope's sloppily-presented words to their own ends. That's all the more reason for the Pope to retain translators who will faithfully and accurately translate his various documents, etc into the various languages before the progressive main-stream media get their paws and start warping them to their hearts' content. Yes there are indeed subversive elements at the Vatican. I do have trouble believing that the Holy Father knows and trusts no one who will offer the necessary translation skills to the Holy Father. For instance, is not Cardinal Burke still at the Vatican?
I cannot hold the Holy Father as being completely blameless here. It is he who must take proactive control of the message he wishes to communicate. If I were to utter something in a careless manner on this blog and many well-meaning people gleaned from my words a meaning I didn't intend, no doubt the blame for the misunderstanding would rest on my shoulders. It is the responsibility of the communicator to make his/her message sufficiently clear for a reasonable person to understand. It is not the sole responsibility of the audience to automatically understand the communicator's intent, particularly when the message is objectively garbled.
If Michael Voris and other good people see this problem, why not the Holy Father? Voris also asks "Just what good is the Holy See Press Office and the clerics there charged with getting proper English translations out to the world when they continue to let their buffoonery, inadequacy, incompetence and idiocy and perhaps even malice rule the day?" I don't think there's any "perhaps" about the malice. Recall that this same Press Office didn't let any such gaffes out their door during the previous two pontificates. I agree with Voris when he says that the Press Office must be cleaned out. Why does the pope dally and dither about reforming that communications office? At the end of the day, the buck stops at his desk.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Blind Are They Who Thank Agents Of Death
Let your imagination take you back to Nazi Germany, circa 1940. Death camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau and many others were peppered throughout the country. Some of these were near cities.
By that time many of the German people, of course, were under the hypnotic sway of Adolf Hitler and truly believed that the "Jewish problem" needed to be eradicated.
Some of these camps were in close proximity to German towns. Is it hard to imagine that some of the denizens of these towns, in misguided patriotic fervor, might have gone to these camps - to thank the Nazi guards? As horrid as that mindset sounds, it exists today.
Today death camps are peppered throughout this country. Some call them "abortion clinics". The phrase "abortion clinic" is a misnomer; "clinic" denotes a place of healing while abortion is the infliction of a brutal death on the unborn child and misery for his/her mother. (Important aside: the number of these hell holes has plummeted over the past few years. Discussion on that will be reserved for another post.)
The Planned Parenthood in Silver Spring MD, where I'm usually found on Saturday mornings, is on the south side of Spring Street facing north. On the north side of Spring Street is a neighborhood that seems densely populated by pro-abortion progressives. Over the years we've had a number of issues with neighborhood denizens: theft and vandalism of pro-life signs, physical altercations, etc. We've noticed over the past few months that some will take walks in front of Spring Street and offer thanks and congratulations to the pro-choice clinic escorts (hereinafter referred to as "deathscorts") One woman yesterday made mention of the "important work that they do".
These 21st century death camp guards are organized under the name "Washington Clinic Defense Task Force". The "important work that they do" involves blocking us as we seek to offer life-affirming assistance to mothers and their unborn children, all the more to keep that "important" blood-money flowing into Planned Parenthood's coffers. If you want to see these intrepid orange-vested death-camp guards about their business, click here for a number of video and audio clips.
Lastly, to the left is the intended end result of all the "important work" that the deathscorts do. For this, the uber-progressive Woodside neighborhood thanks the deathscorts??? At the end of time, we'll all stand before Our Lord Jesus Christ and be judged by Him. With Him will be all these little ones. What will these neighborhood residents say to them? What will God say to them? I pray that they repent before it's too late.
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Some of these camps were in close proximity to German towns. Is it hard to imagine that some of the denizens of these towns, in misguided patriotic fervor, might have gone to these camps - to thank the Nazi guards? As horrid as that mindset sounds, it exists today.
Today death camps are peppered throughout this country. Some call them "abortion clinics". The phrase "abortion clinic" is a misnomer; "clinic" denotes a place of healing while abortion is the infliction of a brutal death on the unborn child and misery for his/her mother. (Important aside: the number of these hell holes has plummeted over the past few years. Discussion on that will be reserved for another post.)
The Planned Parenthood in Silver Spring MD, where I'm usually found on Saturday mornings, is on the south side of Spring Street facing north. On the north side of Spring Street is a neighborhood that seems densely populated by pro-abortion progressives. Over the years we've had a number of issues with neighborhood denizens: theft and vandalism of pro-life signs, physical altercations, etc. We've noticed over the past few months that some will take walks in front of Spring Street and offer thanks and congratulations to the pro-choice clinic escorts (hereinafter referred to as "deathscorts") One woman yesterday made mention of the "important work that they do".

Lastly, to the left is the intended end result of all the "important work" that the deathscorts do. For this, the uber-progressive Woodside neighborhood thanks the deathscorts??? At the end of time, we'll all stand before Our Lord Jesus Christ and be judged by Him. With Him will be all these little ones. What will these neighborhood residents say to them? What will God say to them? I pray that they repent before it's too late.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Guess What?? I'm Super-Catholic!!
At least that's what one Patheos-oriented blogger said of me and other faithful Catholics recently. I understand that the bloggers of Patheos receive compensation based on the number of clicks their blogs receive; therefore I will not link to the post directly. In regards to the "super-Catholic" crack we read his speculations regarding the thinking of the Holy Father:
"He means that holier than thou super-Catholics who spend much of their time demanding that the Impure be barred from the sacraments need to pipe down and accept the judgment of their pastors when they allow weak sinners to approach the Altar. He’s addressing a sort of latter day Jansenism that wants to keep as many people as possible from approaching the sacraments."
There's so much sloppy thinking in those few sentences to unpack, but I'll put forth a heroic effort. (After all, I'm Super-Catholic, you know!)
We "super-Catholics" do NOT "demand that the impure be barred from the sacraments". That statement betrays a complete disdain for Canon 915. Let me post Canon 915 for review; it's really very simple. Those upon whom the penalty of excommunication or interdict has been imposed or declared, and others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to holy communion.
It is Canon 915, not "super-Catholics", that impose a demand, both to honor the dignity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ AND to prevent a person in mortal sin from incurring the guilt of yet another mortal sin, the sin of sacrilegious Holy Communion. We simply won't let that demand be swept under the rug and ignored out of cowardice and desire to toady to the powerful of this world.
He goes on to make a caricature of us as mean, niggardly scoundrels wanting to keep "weak sinners" from approaching the altar. Well, no. There's not a person alive (even among us super-Catholics!) who isn't a weak sinner. Canon 915 does not address all such people - only those obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, to use the precise language from the Canon. Not all "weak sinners" place themselves in that most serious predicament of being arrogantly in the practice of public mortal sin as do flagrant gays and abortionists and abortion enablers. It is the latter who are to be denied Holy Communion for their own benefit. Should they receive Holy Communion with unconfessed mortal sin on their souls, they incur the guilt of yet another mortal sin, namely the sin of receiving Holy Communion sacrilegiously. When a prelate says they're being "pastoral" by overlooking their Canon 915 obligations, it usually means one of two things: 1) they need some consideration from a CINO big-wig, so they need to butter up that person by profaning the Eucharist or 2) they're afraid of being trash-talked should they dare to act like men of integrity.
An important note regarding the last paragraph. In the first sentence I'm using a word that ended the political career of George Allen - simply because some folks have limited themselves to "valley girl" talk. It is not my problem if my progressive trolls have an insufficient grasp of the English language and its vocabulary. I will not dumb down mine accordingly. Get off your duffs, pull out a dictionary and look the word up. Chalk it up as an educational experience! Now back to the Patheos prattle.
We wind up this expose with an examination of the last phrase "keep as many people as possible from approaching the sacraments". Well, no. That's our entire point. I trust this author does recall that there is more than one sacrament. When one has lost sanctifying grace due to mortal sin, there is one sacrament to which they must fly in haste to avoid eternal damnation. Of course I'm referring to the Sacrament of Confession. We encourage all - particularly those whom the Patheos blogger dismissively calls "impure", to make good and frequent use of that Sacrament of Confession. After they've been restored to a state of grace, by all means receive the Eucharist.
"He means that holier than thou super-Catholics who spend much of their time demanding that the Impure be barred from the sacraments need to pipe down and accept the judgment of their pastors when they allow weak sinners to approach the Altar. He’s addressing a sort of latter day Jansenism that wants to keep as many people as possible from approaching the sacraments."
There's so much sloppy thinking in those few sentences to unpack, but I'll put forth a heroic effort. (After all, I'm Super-Catholic, you know!)
We "super-Catholics" do NOT "demand that the impure be barred from the sacraments". That statement betrays a complete disdain for Canon 915. Let me post Canon 915 for review; it's really very simple. Those upon whom the penalty of excommunication or interdict has been imposed or declared, and others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to holy communion.
It is Canon 915, not "super-Catholics", that impose a demand, both to honor the dignity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ AND to prevent a person in mortal sin from incurring the guilt of yet another mortal sin, the sin of sacrilegious Holy Communion. We simply won't let that demand be swept under the rug and ignored out of cowardice and desire to toady to the powerful of this world.
He goes on to make a caricature of us as mean, niggardly scoundrels wanting to keep "weak sinners" from approaching the altar. Well, no. There's not a person alive (even among us super-Catholics!) who isn't a weak sinner. Canon 915 does not address all such people - only those obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, to use the precise language from the Canon. Not all "weak sinners" place themselves in that most serious predicament of being arrogantly in the practice of public mortal sin as do flagrant gays and abortionists and abortion enablers. It is the latter who are to be denied Holy Communion for their own benefit. Should they receive Holy Communion with unconfessed mortal sin on their souls, they incur the guilt of yet another mortal sin, namely the sin of receiving Holy Communion sacrilegiously. When a prelate says they're being "pastoral" by overlooking their Canon 915 obligations, it usually means one of two things: 1) they need some consideration from a CINO big-wig, so they need to butter up that person by profaning the Eucharist or 2) they're afraid of being trash-talked should they dare to act like men of integrity.
An important note regarding the last paragraph. In the first sentence I'm using a word that ended the political career of George Allen - simply because some folks have limited themselves to "valley girl" talk. It is not my problem if my progressive trolls have an insufficient grasp of the English language and its vocabulary. I will not dumb down mine accordingly. Get off your duffs, pull out a dictionary and look the word up. Chalk it up as an educational experience! Now back to the Patheos prattle.
We wind up this expose with an examination of the last phrase "keep as many people as possible from approaching the sacraments". Well, no. That's our entire point. I trust this author does recall that there is more than one sacrament. When one has lost sanctifying grace due to mortal sin, there is one sacrament to which they must fly in haste to avoid eternal damnation. Of course I'm referring to the Sacrament of Confession. We encourage all - particularly those whom the Patheos blogger dismissively calls "impure", to make good and frequent use of that Sacrament of Confession. After they've been restored to a state of grace, by all means receive the Eucharist.
Friday, January 3, 2014
New Ways Ministry Founder Dies
(ht - Pewsitter)
Father Robert Nugent, co-founder of New Ways Minstry, passed away January 1st. He and Sister Jeannine Gramick designed New Ways to undermine the Church's teachings regarding homosexual conduct. New Ways has always been headquartered in Prince Georges' County in Maryland.
Father Nugent consulted with the USCCB as the latter wrote the pastoral document "Always Our Children". That explains a lot. Later then-Cardinal Ratzinger barred both Nugent and Gramick from working with gays. Nugent, for the most part, complied while Gramick - to this day - defies that directive.
May God have mercy on his soul.
Father Robert Nugent, co-founder of New Ways Minstry, passed away January 1st. He and Sister Jeannine Gramick designed New Ways to undermine the Church's teachings regarding homosexual conduct. New Ways has always been headquartered in Prince Georges' County in Maryland.
Father Nugent consulted with the USCCB as the latter wrote the pastoral document "Always Our Children". That explains a lot. Later then-Cardinal Ratzinger barred both Nugent and Gramick from working with gays. Nugent, for the most part, complied while Gramick - to this day - defies that directive.
May God have mercy on his soul.
Vatican Hires Homophiles As Advisors
Thanks to my friend at Les Femmes I was alerted to this news. Two days ago Randy Engel published a piece in Renew America detailing how the Vatican bureaucracy has hired several consulting firms that have loudly promoted homosexual acts and lifestyles. I link now to her article and urge you to read it.
There can be no doubt that those Vatican officials responsible for retaining these firms knew of these firms' stances on this most serious of moral issues. Neither can they claim ignorance of the credibility that they lend to these firms that are cooperating with mortal sin. This is nothing new for progressive bureaucracies within the Church. Recall the recent scandals regarding Catholic Relief Services. Recall that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development has as its unspoken aim the diversion of Catholic dollars to atheistic and anti-life organizations. Just six months ago, this blog disclosed that Sister Carol Keehan, the Obamacare promoter par excellence, sits on the Finance Council of the Archdiocese of Washington.
If we wonder why the Church's moral voice seems like a pitiful squeak, this article points out one key reason.
There can be no doubt that those Vatican officials responsible for retaining these firms knew of these firms' stances on this most serious of moral issues. Neither can they claim ignorance of the credibility that they lend to these firms that are cooperating with mortal sin. This is nothing new for progressive bureaucracies within the Church. Recall the recent scandals regarding Catholic Relief Services. Recall that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development has as its unspoken aim the diversion of Catholic dollars to atheistic and anti-life organizations. Just six months ago, this blog disclosed that Sister Carol Keehan, the Obamacare promoter par excellence, sits on the Finance Council of the Archdiocese of Washington.
If we wonder why the Church's moral voice seems like a pitiful squeak, this article points out one key reason.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Head of USCCB Grovels Before Obama
Most of us heard the news that in the "eleventh hour" before the HHS contraception mandate was set to bare its teeth against Catholic agencies, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor blocked the Obama cartel from enforcing that mandate against agencies using the Christian Brothers Employee Benefits Trust. Among the orders who were spared was the Little Sisters of the Poor. It is nothing short of miraculous that Sotomayor, an Obama appointee and pro-abortion person would stand against the demagogue who placed her in that post. Some opine that Sotomayor is remembering that she's Catholic. While that would indeed be lovely, I think the cause is something more mundane - she is remembering that her function is to uphold the United States Constitution, with its all-important checks and balances and limits of power.
Sadly this point seems to be lost on Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, president of the USCCB. In the wake of Sotomayor's action, he is "requesting" that Obama temporarily exempt religious institutions from the contraception/abortifacient mandate. According to the United States Constitution, the President of the United States is charged with enforcing laws that have been enacted by Congress and signed by him. He does not have sole discretion about what laws get enforced and what laws don't get enforced. He is not a dictator, as much as Obama pictures himself to be. In placing this wrong-headed petition before Obama, the Archbishop is tacitly (and hopefully unwittingly) affirming this unconstitutional view of presidential authority.
But the problems with the Archbishop's request are even more fundamental. There is no denying that Obamacare would not have been law of the land had it not been for the support of Catholics in high places and even that of the USCCB. That's right. The USCCB came out in support of Obamacare, minus the obvious abortion provisions. They failed to acknowledge two facts: 1) the inherent antipathy any socialized medical system will have for God and life and 2) the Messiah Most Mindless would lie through his teeth to garner any kind of support and then stab his supporters in the back.
If Archbishop Kurtz truly seeks to protect the Church against the overreach of Obamacare, he will first have to acknowledge the pivotal role that the USCCB played in bringing about this disaster on the entire country. He and his brother bishops will have to repent of their role and their readiness to sell their souls to the progressives in power to obtain a few measly crumbs of considerations and concessions. They will then be obliged, as a body, to oppose Obamacare in its entirety and bring all their resources to bear on the utter annihilation of the Obamacare menace.
That groveling letter will earn no concessions for the Church - at least none that really matter. It shows a complete lack of regard for those Catholics who do not work in Church-affiliated enterprises. It asks for an exercise of authority outside the bounds of the United States Constitution and shows complete cowardice in the face of a de facto tyrant. It's time for the bishops to face up to reality and start acting like men of God as opposed to wimps.
Sadly this point seems to be lost on Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, president of the USCCB. In the wake of Sotomayor's action, he is "requesting" that Obama temporarily exempt religious institutions from the contraception/abortifacient mandate. According to the United States Constitution, the President of the United States is charged with enforcing laws that have been enacted by Congress and signed by him. He does not have sole discretion about what laws get enforced and what laws don't get enforced. He is not a dictator, as much as Obama pictures himself to be. In placing this wrong-headed petition before Obama, the Archbishop is tacitly (and hopefully unwittingly) affirming this unconstitutional view of presidential authority.
But the problems with the Archbishop's request are even more fundamental. There is no denying that Obamacare would not have been law of the land had it not been for the support of Catholics in high places and even that of the USCCB. That's right. The USCCB came out in support of Obamacare, minus the obvious abortion provisions. They failed to acknowledge two facts: 1) the inherent antipathy any socialized medical system will have for God and life and 2) the Messiah Most Mindless would lie through his teeth to garner any kind of support and then stab his supporters in the back.
If Archbishop Kurtz truly seeks to protect the Church against the overreach of Obamacare, he will first have to acknowledge the pivotal role that the USCCB played in bringing about this disaster on the entire country. He and his brother bishops will have to repent of their role and their readiness to sell their souls to the progressives in power to obtain a few measly crumbs of considerations and concessions. They will then be obliged, as a body, to oppose Obamacare in its entirety and bring all their resources to bear on the utter annihilation of the Obamacare menace.
That groveling letter will earn no concessions for the Church - at least none that really matter. It shows a complete lack of regard for those Catholics who do not work in Church-affiliated enterprises. It asks for an exercise of authority outside the bounds of the United States Constitution and shows complete cowardice in the face of a de facto tyrant. It's time for the bishops to face up to reality and start acting like men of God as opposed to wimps.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Another NBC Personality Utters Crass Comments
I'm beginning to think that NBC should mean "Neanderthal Buffoon Circus". While Melissa Harris-Perry did issue an apology for her mockery of the Romney baby, Natasha Leggero let loose with mockery of elderly World War II veterans.
The progressives and liberals are definitely dropping all facades of civility. The NBC affiliates are one of the worst enclaves of these people. Take a gander at the entire first link and you'll see a whole list of NBC individuals who had to be shamed into apologizing for their arrogant gaffes. I suspect that list will keep growing even after Leggero utters her "mea culpas".
The progressives and liberals are definitely dropping all facades of civility. The NBC affiliates are one of the worst enclaves of these people. Take a gander at the entire first link and you'll see a whole list of NBC individuals who had to be shamed into apologizing for their arrogant gaffes. I suspect that list will keep growing even after Leggero utters her "mea culpas".
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