That was in the email I got today. Sounds great, doesn't it? Here they are, in all their dubious glory. My comments/quips will be in red
1 Faith, Environment, & the Call to Stewardship
Saturday, May 1, 2010 1:00 P.M. to 4:45 P.M.
St. John Vianney Church
Family Life Center
105 Vianney Lane
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Plenary Sessions
Faith and the Environment, Dr. William Dinges, Catholic University
Actions to Rescue the Chesapeake Bay Frederick Tutman, Patuxent Riverkeeper (Let's rescue babies!)
Forming a Parish Environmental Committee
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (remember the DOE post from a few days ago?)
Environmental Advocacy
Climate Change (It's junk science)
Closing Prayer
Tour of St. John Vianney Parish Grounds
Parish Vigil Mass (5:30 P.M.)
For further information/reservations, click here to email Regina Carelli or call her at 301-649-7362.
2 Observing Earth Day 2010! (Let's worship Gaia!)
Poisoned Waters 2009 Frontline Documentary on the Chesapeake Bay
Discussion led by James W. Gracie, Maryland Water Expert
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:15 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
St. Raphael's Earth Community at (Earth Community?? Guess all the parishes will have one of these)
St. Raphael Catholic Church
Falls Road and Dunster Road
Rockville, MD 20854
For further information, email Patricia Miller or call her at 301-251-1058.
3 Climate Change (an entire day spent on this junk science?)
JustFaith 8-Week Course (Naturally JustFaith has its dirty little hands in this)
Beginning, Sunday, April 25, 2010 -- Ending, June 13 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
St. Raphael's Earth Community at
St. Raphael Catholic Church
Falls Road and Dunster Road
Rockville, MD 20854
For further information, call Kristin Sirotkin at 301-540-4667 or 301-370-5772.
That ends the ADW email. Now that (they think) the Hell Bill is a done deal (not!), the USCCB wants to hypnotize us with more left-wing drivvel. The plans are underway; the Lenten Carbon Fast was just a warm-up.
The Church exists to save souls, to get them to heaven. All this other stuff, while not unimportant, is secondary to the Church's first mission. Right now, the Church, partially because of such dillution of attention, is failing abysmally in that mission. We need to stop listening to the progressive lemmings who are at the helm of the USCCB and get the Church back on its proper course.
A Pillar Of Salt For Our Age
4 hours ago
These people need more children in their lives, be involved more in their children's lives, and they'd be happier, as would God I'll bet.